My baby cries as soon as he gets into the car, what do I do?

There are babies who travel by car love them and, just by hearing the noise of the engine, they fall asleep and do not open their eyes again until the parents reach their destination. However, there are others who traveling by car horrifies them and they spend all the way crying, making us have a hard time.

If you need to move take the car often and your little one is one of those who has a tantrum every time you get going, the tips that we bring to calm you today and helping you at this stage will be very practical.

Small changes, small advances

It's hard to know why the baby panics when he gets in the car, but there are some issues to review before starting the journey. Sometimes a small change can be the solution to the problem or, at least, a small breakthrough.

Try to ensure that the car has an adequate temperature, that the sun does not shine directly and that it is comfortable

One of the causes that may be altering your baby's mood in the car is the temperature.

Try that the little one does not go too warm during the journeys. It is enough to carry a garment not very thick, taking into account that the chair itself and the harnesses can give it heat. If you turn on the heating, remember that the temperature should be around 21ºC.

Also avoid the sun through the window, since that may be the cause of his anger. Curtains that prevent the sun from going directly will help you be more comfortable and lively when traveling by car.

You can also try take the car seat home So you get to know her for a few days. In this way, it will become a familiar and everyday object and it is likely that sitting on it will not distress you so much.

In parallel, we recommend you to make small journeys so that you can get used to traveling by car, increasing the duration of the movements little by little.

4-wheel entertainment

The best thing to prevent the baby from forgetting that he is in an environment he does not like is entertain you. If in the car you travel with another person, one of you can accompany the little one in the back seat so that he does not feel alone. Starting the march with mom, dad or a brother can reassure you and make you feel more relaxed.

Get a good set of toys and music to entertain the child on the journeys

Whoever travels with the little one in the back seats can talk to him or shake hands To calm down. Another good option is to sing or play music that you like. Brighten up the trip with a compilation of children's songs or even relaxing music is a good alternative, as well as very educational.

Toys can also be a great ally in the car. Take some of the ones you like best when you travel so you can travel entertaining: stuffed animals, rattles, sound and light toys ...

Road safety

Baby tantrums on the road are usually something temporary and they remain in anecdote as they get older. Meanwhile, we must not forget that, behind the wheel, the main thing is security. That's why it's vital keep calm, although they cry, and not try to perform dangerous maneuvers to try to calm them down. It is much better to look for an area to park safely to calm the baby and resume the march again.

These stops will also be very beneficial to avoid postural asphyxiation of babies. The prolonged position of children when traveling by car increases the risk of bradycardia, apnea and oxygen desaturation. Therefore should take small breaks 15 or 20 minutes to rest and change their position for a while.

Keep calm, even if your baby cries, and don't get distracted. If necessary, stop in a safe area to calm the baby

As much as they cry, under any concept We must allow babies to travel without the Child Restraint System that corresponds to them according to their age and weight by regulations.

In addition to being very dangerous, it is considered a serious infraction by the DGT. So that in addition to insurance, the comfortable little trip, opt for an approved chair that is adjustable and reclining in different positions, to adapt to the needs of each child and their growth. The evolutionary chairs, like the Chicco Seat Up 012 car seat, can be used in different stages, from birth to 6 years of age (or 25 kilos).

If your baby doesn't like traveling by car, try put into practice Some of the recommendations mentioned. Feeling with your parents, being distracted and having fun on the journeys can make things change and car trips stop being synonymous with cries and paddles. Meanwhile, have patience And don't forget that safety is your top priority to avoid accidents.

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Photos | iStock: Chalabala / Nadezhda1906

Video: How to Calm a Crying Baby (July 2024).