How to encourage symbolic play and why it is so important for your child

He symbolic game It is the one with which children learn most throughout their childhood. Have multiple development benefits of the kids because with him, children rehearse playing situations in which they will later develop in real life. To encourage it, we must strengthen those activities that stimulate it and put at your disposal the right games to develop it.

What is the symbolic game?

At symbolic game the children put into practice what they learned through their observation ability in the surrounding environment.

The symbolic game also serves to remember what was learned through the repetition game

An example of symbolic play is that in which the child plays driving a car like dad or mom do, take care of his dolls as his parents take care of him or play to make food as he has seen that adults prepare it.

The symbolic game serves to remember what you learned through the repetition game and helps you perfect behaviors in situations where you will later have to function in a real scenario.

The children simulate imaginary situations playing to be superheroes, astronauts or doctors. This game serves as an experimental laboratory. While they play, they play other roles and practice skills that help them develop their own capabilities.

Benefits of symbolic play in children

The benefits of the symbolic game they are observed in all levels of child development, since it stimulates the physical, psychic, affective and social development of children. These are the most prominent:

  • It facilitates the expression of feelings and emotions.
  • Develop imagination and creativity.
  • Activate socio-emotional skills and competencies.
  • It helps them to understand and assimilate their surroundings.
  • They rehearse different roles.
  • They practice different activities.
  • They acquire useful knowledge for their daily life.

With symbolic play, children gain useful knowledge for their daily lives

  • They develop language and acquire new vocabulary, as children continually verbalize while they play, whether they are alone or accompanied.
  • It helps them understand their surroundings and the way things work.
  • It promotes self-esteem and self-control, providing self confidence.
  • Stimulates curiosity, which is the engine of any learning.
  • It helps to structure the thought.
  • It facilitates the knowledge of your own physical possibilities by developing your psychomotor skills and mastery of your body.

Activities to favor the symbolic game

To favor the symbolic game, we must provide the children with the tools and situations necessary for this type of game to develop.

We can play with them imagining fictional situations to help them learn how to act if they were real situations. For example, by playing doctors we can teach them the different parts of the human body and also familiarize them with their visits to the pediatrician.

It is important make appropriate toys available to stimulate this type of learning. If we provide them with certain toys that help them imitate adult behaviors, such as a toy steering wheel, we will be stimulating their skills.

While children practice symbolic play, other aspects of development, such as coordination. They use their hands to manipulate the objects they play with and thus improve their psychomotor skill.

While the kids practice symbolic play, they also work on other aspects of development, such as coordination

In this sense, toys like the remote control robot RoboChicco They help foster both symbolic play and children's fine motor skills.

RoboChicco is the first transformable car for the little ones. By having two game modes (as a vehicle and as a robot) they can play to talk to the robot or simulate driving a car. Further, its manual transformation favors its coordination. It also has light and sound and its remote control, with 4 direction buttons, has a central button for special effects. All this helps the child learn the cause / effect relationship and, being an interactive toy, power to play with him for a longer time.

We must let the little one develop the symbolic game as long as you want. It is important not to cut the child in the middle of his imaginative process, as it could create some frustration. For this, it is best to choose to play moments of the day when we know that you have some free time.

The game is the fundamental tool of learning and development of children and accompanies them throughout their childhood. With the right activities and toys, we can encourage our children to develop their abilities while having fun playing.

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Images / iStock / Choreograph / DragonImages.

Video: Importance of Play (July 2024).