An incredible first birth: she gives birth in 45 minutes to her daughter of more than 5 kilos

Imagine that you are pregnant for the first time and that on ultrasound and controls they tell you, as the time of delivery approaches, that your baby is large, very large, and will weigh more than 4 kilos. Imagine that in recent days they tell you no, that they were wrong, that it will actually weigh more than 5 kilos. What would happen?

Well, most likely someone would tell you that there is a clear cephalo-pelvic disproportion (that the girl will not be able to be born if it is not by caesarean section), that trying a vaginal delivery is crazy and that, if you try, you will have a very long delivery in the one that will put your life and your baby's life at risk.

Well, that's the opposite of what happened to Emma Hogg, a first-time mom who has become famous for bringing the world to a baby that weighed like a three month baby, 5.5 kilos, and that gave birth in just 45 minutes.

First, and in just 45 minutes?

So is. Emma is a Welsh mom who last week surprised all hospital staff and her own family by giving birth to her daughter Lilah Grace Simmonds in just three quarters of an hour. After 20 minutes moving to promote better dilation and the occasional inhalation of the nitrous oxide mask, he started an expulsive that lasted very little.

As we read in Babyology, Emma arrived at the hospital because she had started contractions. A midwife turned on the radio and she took advantage of it to dance a little around the room, until she began to notice that the thing was accelerating.

His couple, Michael Simmonds, almost the birth is lost when leaving it a moment to go to look for something to eat, counting that it was still at the beginning of what would be a process of several hours.

For its part, the incredible mother explained that everything was so fast that she barely had time to feel pain.

I didn't know it would be so big

The probable date of delivery had been met just eight days ago, and they had no record that the girl was going to be so big. When the nurses made public the weight all the staff wanted to get to know Lilah to see her with their own eyes and congratulate the parents.

For now, the couple is delighted with the girl, who cries very little and seems calm and happy, as you can see in this Daily Mirror video:

Video: Baby Born at 24-Weeks With Feet The Size Of Pennies Beats All Odds (July 2024).