How to make your baby the most wonderful photos

Babies grow faster than we think and change in a matter of days. Taking many photos is a way to have a nice memory of this first stage. For this, it is not necessary to hire the services of a professional photographer, we can do them ourselves by following some small tips.

But be careful, it is important that the photo does not ruin a good moment: the essential thing is enjoy that moment with our son, and if we have lost taking a good picture, nothing happens. We have to remember that it is also not healthy to see life only through the objective.

As a first tip, have all prepared before to do a homemade photo session: both the stage and the camera and what we will use to help us (blankets, toys, her clothes ...). If we are forecasters and we have something close to entertain them during the photo shoot, much better. It can be a piece of bread, a pacifier, a toy or even a spare diaper, if necessary.

Good lighting and naturalness

  • One of the most important things when taking pictures is light. Place the baby in a well lit room, better with natural light and near the window. If you place the baby in front of a light background, the photos will be brighter. In the first months it is better not to use the flash so as not to dazzle you.

  • It is important to play with the naturalness. If we take pictures of our baby in front, especially if it is newborn, it is very possible that it seems inexpressive. The best option is to place ourselves in another angle to take more natural and beautiful images of the child.

  • Photography great moments and also everyday moments: Many times we tend to think that the camera is for special moments, but it is nice to also take pictures of our children in their routines: changing diapers, bath time, a walk on the street ... Do not forget to take him out Asleep from different angles.

  • Beware the impulse to delete photos We believe that they have not gone well: every image we take needs some time. Sometimes, seeing them on a larger device we discover that it is an amazing image. There are even photos that, with the passage of time, have more charm.

Close-ups and details

  • Take several images of baby gestures and their postures. The Close-ups They work very well with the little ones. If we get several series of gestures, we can create beautiful compositions.

  • Take pictures also of the details: the little hands, the feet, his favorite toy, the hand of the father intertwined with that of the baby ...

  • Play with focus and blur. You can try to take out focused and other unfocused areas with the 'opening preference' option of your camera and by changing the size of the diaphragm to achieve a greater or lesser depth of field. In this way, the shooting speed is faster, and even if the baby moves, we will have a better chance of the picture going well.

  • Dare to do photo sequencesFor example, once a month in the same place, to record how your baby grows.

The most original photos

  • Use toys or objects in the photographs to give an idea of ​​the size of the baby. In addition, they bring color and freshness to the photo and are a good resource to make the images more fun. You can help yourself with clothes or everyday objects that have something different, such as drawings or messages. Mr Wonderful's new range of bottles and pacifiers for Chicco is a special edition consisting of Wellbeing bottles, Physio Air soothers and Soft Relax teethers with a fun design. Your messages "Fresh out of the oven", "I'm to eat with kisses" and "I'm the star of the house" They will give a funny and original touch to the photos, especially if your little one puts some carantoña that enhances them.
  • Take the opportunity to get him with different sets of clothes and also naked (if the temperature allows it), or at least in diaper or body. For this you have to have prepared blankets and avoid cooling, if we are in winter or in a cold place.

Following these tips we will get the best snapshots of our baby. Despite this, it is very important respect the protagonist's rhythms: If our little one is irritated, tired or does not look very participatory, it is better to save the camera and wait for another time, so that taking a photo is also a good memory.

In Chicco Moments

  • Traveling, at home: tips for sleeping with the baby

  • Crying in the car: how to prepare a long trip with your baby

  • 6 questions that will arise if you give the bottle to your baby

Images | iStock / ellenamani / gpointstudio

Video: My Beautiful Baby 13 Weeks (July 2024).