Seven gazpachos adapted to the taste of children

Gazpacho and other cold creams such as Cordoba salmorejo or Malaga ajoblanco are dishes that adults love but because they have a high content of vegetables and fiber, it is interesting to get our children to start consuming them. That is why we have prepared a selection of seven gazpachos adapted to the taste of children which can be very interesting for this summer season.

Remember that hydration is very important and that The water, vitamins and minerals content of these cold soups is very interesting as a source of heat-fighting liquid. In addition, as the gazpachos that we propose to you have a high proportion of fruit, they will be very easy to eat and very healthy for them. (And for moms and dads too)

General tips to bring children to gazpacho and other cold summer creams

In the traditional Andalusian gazpacho recipe, there are some ingredients with a stronger flavor that may cost more to get used to. For this reason, to initiate children in the consumption of these cold soups full of vitamins, it is preferable not to include them. We talk about Garlic, -which we will not use in children's gazpachos, and pepper and cucumber -What we will use but to a lesser extent than traditional recipes. In addition, it is good to put less vinegar than usual to not find it too strong.

Another recommended idea is Do not prepare large bowls of gazpacho for children but serve them a shot glass and offer it when they are hungry between hours or put it to drink instead of juices or sodas so they can see that it is a healthy and refreshing drink.

It is also convenient do not use the tripping of onion, cucumber or pepper and use instead what they prefer, toasted croutons, or chopped chopped fruit, serrano ham or even a scoop of strawberry or raspberry ice cream.

Seven gazpachos adapted to the taste of children

In general, fruit gazpachos are the simplest for them. It is based on the traditional recipes of gazpacho -o salmorejo- and reduce the amount of tomatoes a little, replacing them with the same amount of fruit, or a little more or less depending on our tastes. It works very well with juicy red fruits such as strawberries, cherries, raspberries or watermelon, although there are many more options as you will see.

1. Strawberry gazpacho

He is one of the first gazpachos that my son was fond of when he was very young. We can prepare it with this recipe in which we use a apple cider vinegar to give it an even more fruity touch. With the decoration of a strawberry on the edge, you can not resist its delicious taste.

2. Raspberry Gazpacho

You can also make an original raspberry gazpacho by adding them next to the tomato. For children I recommend you do it without garlic and with little vinegar, so that the sweet flavors predominate that will be easier for you.

3. Watermelon gazpacho

This watermelon gazpacho without garlic and with very little vinegar, triumphs every year at home when the heat squeezes. Do not forget to try this infallible recipe with which children will surely be fond of these healthy "fruit and vegetable juices" that are fruit gazpachos.

4. Cherry Gazpacho

Taking advantage of the season, we can make a cherry or cherry pie. To do this you can use this recipe, but not including anchovies. Serving it you can add some cream cheese in the center and it will still be softer and original.

5. Mango gazpacho

Although we made this recipe recently based on the salmorejo recipe and introducing the mango among the ingredients, we can also make it starting from the recipe of gazpacho, to look for a softer and lighter texture since the salmorejo is thicker.

6. Peach Gazpacho

Another ideal gazpacho with fruits is the peach gazpacho since this fruit is at its best when summer arrives so it is perfect to include it in gazpachos. The result is a fruit-flavored gazpacho that children love in small glasses.

7. Zucchini gazpacho

This curious green gazpacho It can be a lot of fun if you prepare it for your children with this recipe and adapt it a bit with the general advice that I gave you at the beginning. If you do it without garlic and with little pepper and cucumber and add some fruit, it will be ready to delight you. I would put some pieces of kiwi like stumbles and you already have an original and soft zucchini gazpacho as an alternative to the previous ones.

With these seven soft gazpachos for children and general tips to get used to their consumption, you will have another dish and its variants to ensure that they hydrate conveniently and are recharged with energy and healthy vitamins.

Video: The ORIGINAL Little Mermaid KIDS BOOK READ ALOUD (July 2024).