Can you imagine that you take your children for an injustice? What these parents have suffered is not fixed with money

It looks like a horror movie, but unfortunately it is real life. Can you imagine that you take your children for an injustice? This is what has happened to a couple from Tarragona, Antonio and Vanesa, whose custody of their young children was removed, due to a false accusation of ill-treatment.

The issue of abuse in children is such a serious matter that in the face of the slightest suspicion all the means must be put in place to protect those children, but it is also an accusation that must be very safe, since a false suspicion can trigger a judicial process and irreversible moral and emotional damage for both parents and children. A injustice That is not fixed even with all the money in the world.

The facts: a succession of terrible mistakes

There are errors and errors, and errors that are incompetence... Errors that can do a lot of damage, and when they happen and it rains on wet, the helplessness is such that there seems to be no way out.

The facts: On December 28, 2009 the parents took their month-old baby to the hospital worried about the child's condition. After a first examination where signs of bruises on the skull and a marked neurological deterioration were observed, the baby was taken to the emergency department of the Sant Pau Hospital in Barcelona. Once there he was diagnosed with cerebral hemorrhage along with a subdural hematoma and a transverse fracture of the left frontal bone. The child's condition was serious.

All alarms were turned on for a possible case of "shaking or shaking baby," leading cause of death in cases of head trauma due to abuse.

He reacted immediately and the Directorate General for Child Care removed the custody of the baby in 24 hours from the parents, although they insisted that they had never hit the child. The lesions had originated from obstetric trauma at the time of delivery. The cranial lesions were a consequence of a particularly complicated and prolonged birth that had left sequelae in the bones of the baby's head.

There began a long road of claims, paperwork, pilgrimages in court and everything it took to get your baby back. Meanwhile, even if he had recovered his first child, Vanesa became pregnant again.

In September 2010, a few hours after delivery, he was also removed from the custody of his second child from the center where he was still admitted. He says he was breastfeeding when they broke into the room and took the baby, claiming he was at risk of homelessness.

Who repairs this unfair suffering?

The couple's first child has been two years, one month and 19 days under the supervision of the Generalitat, despite medical reports that explained that the injuries he presented when his parents took him to the doctor were not the product of abuse.

The second child has also been one year, five months and 6 days in the custody of the Generalitat. Parents could visit them only one hour a week.

Even the medical examiner of the El Vendrell court, Natalia Bodelón, wrote an assessment that indicated that "the absence of images of blow and kickback", as well as the absence of other injuries of a diffuse nature, "would rule out a probable traumatic origin." But the Administration "ignored the successive conclusive medical and psychological evidence about the absence of abuse."

Now the Generalitat has been ordered to pay 300,000 euros to the couple for having withdrawn custody of their children without justification, although initially a million euros had been requested. And ready? There is no money in the world to repair the damage of having snatched two babies from the arms of their parents, they should have also compensated the little ones. But money is not the case.

I imagine there would be a medical report of the delivery, how could it have been ignored? When injuries from possible ill-treatment are detected, what steps are taken?How is it possible that children have spent so much time away from their parents because of a mistake that nobody reviewed? They were labeled as abusers and moved on without realizing the damage they caused. Who gives back to these parents all the kisses and hugs they have not been able to give their children?

Can you imagine it happening to you?

It's like looking inside a horror movie. An injustice that could happen to anyone: you have had a problematic birth that leaves sequels in your baby. When you see it wrong, you take it to the doctor and they end up taking your child away. The second baby is coming and they take it from you too. To the two newborns.

You are left with the face of not understanding anything, of living a nightmare. A nightmare that lasted more than two years. You missed your children's first years of life because of a terrible mistake. There is no money to give it back to you.

Video: Jordan Peterson - Life is suffering, so get your act together! (June 2024).