The list of 21 duties for children to be happy

The word homework is not among my favorites, but rather the opposite, is to listen to it and make me want to cry. If we talk about school duties, those mechanical tasks that children do after school, I think are not very profitable and should be eliminated. Today's children are overloaded with homework. After the school day they take work home to sit down again when there are so many other interesting things to learn with.

Today I am going to change the traditional duties, as we know them, to be a little friendly with this word and rescue the list of 21 duties so that children are happy. Those things that children should do every day to develop a sense of responsibility, creativity, autonomy and foster values ​​such as empathy, solidarity and friendship. Definitely, the other duties, those that make children happy, those who should not stop doing.

Free play at least half an hour a day

Children need to play freely, without rules, without being guided by adults. Free and spontaneous play emerged from the child's own curiosity and initiative. A game without limits or guidelines to learn and grow happily.

10 minutes of dance a day

The dance is entertaining, pleasant, releases tension, makes them feel good, makes them more flexible ... And if dad and mom and brothers join the dance, there can be nothing more fun. There are good reasons to dance with children.

Play with mom and dad one hour a day

Playing is the "work of the little ones." It is necessary for their healthy development and learning, but also doing it with mom and dad favors the emotional bond, father-mother-son communication and most importantly ... we all enjoy a lot together!

Cook once a week

Among other things, cooking helps develop creativity, manual dexterity, and of course, the taste for flavors and different foods, something that also affects the health of children. Enjoying cooking since they are little is one of the most beautiful things they can learn.

Make crafts and draw

Crafts and drawing are fundamental in early childhood. They are their way of expression, through these activities children give free rein to their imagination without fear or prejudice. The more we encourage and facilitate them, the better.

Do physical activity every day

Exercise is essential in childhood, a healthy habit that must be adopted since they are children to lead a healthy and happy life. I have no doubt that exercise and happiness are closely linked.

Play with friends every day

The game is essential for the little ones, as it is to share it with friends. Through play, children make good friends, socialize, learn to share, and important values ​​such as solidarity or empathy.

Practice an activity that you are passionate about

Soccer, dance, basketball, skating, playing an instrument, whatever ... any activity you like. It should not be imposed, but that the child really enjoys it and practices it frequently.

Always have a book to read at hand

Reading is a bridge to happiness, no doubt. From small they will discover that always having a book in their hands is wonderful, and will make them happy. Let them choose what and when to read.

Watch movies frequently

The cinema also opens wide the doors to the wonderful world of imagination. Enjoying good movies will make you entertain but above all, cultivate the spirit.

Read a story with mom or dad before going to sleep

Beyond the benefits of reading, the moment of bedtime is a very special time of day. It is a very beautiful experience, as well as being enriching for them, both emotionally and for their vocabulary and language acquisition.

Be kind to the people around you and your classmates

They still do not know to what extent kindness can help them to be happy, but it is good that they begin to practice it. Treat well to be treated well.

Walk hand in hand with your brothers

Strengthening a good relationship between siblings in childhood is the best foundation for the future. Brotherhood ties that are created as children remain forever, even if they grow older. Help him to love his brothers.

Enjoy nature, love animals

Nature and animals are a gift. Being in harmony as part of it, observing it and discovering it with astonishment contributes to the happiness of the little ones. For its part, sharing life with a pet makes children more sociable, empathic and happy, I have no doubt.

Help at home with whatever they can

According to their stage of development they can assume small responsibilities at home such as matching socks, setting or raising the table, arranging clothes, taking out the garbage ... Promoting their autonomy is more than positive for the development of their personality.

Share the table with your family

Both from an emotional and health point of view, sharing the table with the family is something that a child should not stop doing. It is a time of encounter in which the whole family communicates, tells how the day has gone, what worries them ... Everyone feels heard, in addition to the proven nutritional benefits it has.

Help the needy

Giving to others, giving oneself to others, helping those who need it most, makes them stronger. Solidarity is a value that children have very close, and should not lose.

Share time with grandparents

Grandparents are a very important figure for children, one of the most significant people in their lives for the care, pampering, values ​​and teachings they convey. Children who grow up with their grandparents are happier.

Less technology and more outdoors

Today's children live too hooked on technology, as are adults. If they disconnected a little from the screens and lived more outdoors, they would become more active and healthy children.

Always smile

If something characterizes children is that innocent and sincere smile that conquers us so much. Unfortunately, as we grow we smile much less. It should be mandatory to smile at least a hundred times a day.

Traveling as a family

One of the most beautiful experiences for a child is traveling as a family (and of course, for parents too). Discovering new destinations, customs and people from different places together is enriching wherever you look at it.

Video: How To Choose Best Dog Breeds For Kids? Make Your Kid Happy (July 2024).