Grandmother and surrogate mother at the same time: a 53-year-old woman gives birth to her own granddaughter

What a mother wouldn't do for a daughter, right? I would go through anything to make her happy, even if I have to go through several fertility treatments to get pregnant and give birth to his own granddaughter at 53, the biggest dream of his 28-year-old daughter who couldn't have children.

More and more cases of grandmother and surrogate mothers at the same time, when your son or daughter cannot conceive. These are altruistic surrogacy maternity, in which the pregnant woman does not receive financial compensation, and usually occurs when relatives or close friends lend themselves to gestate and give birth to the couple's child who cannot do so due to biological impediments.

Kelly McKissack and her husband Aaron attempted a pregnancy for three years without success, in which she suffered three miscarriages.

Seeing her daughter's difficulties in getting pregnant, Tracey didn't even doubt it and offered to do it for her remembering a conversation she had with her teenage daughter:

"Believe it or not, it occurred to her when she was 13," Thompson said, "when I was a teenager, she told me: 'Mom, if I can't have a baby, could you have it?' Of course I replied." .

In Spain the belly of rent is illegal, but in other countries where it is allowed there have been some truly extraordinary cases of surrogacy, including grandmothers who voluntarily lend themselves to gestate their own grandchildren.

Surrogacy in Spain

In Spain, surrogacy is currently a prohibited practice. Hence, many couples travel to countries where they are allowed to fulfill their dream of being parents.

Through the campaign "We are not vessels" who are against the rent of bellies want to avoid at all costs that surrogacy is even raised in Spain.

On the other hand, there are those who advocate that it be allowed by setting all the necessary guarantees for all parties involved. Those who are against the rent of bellies through the campaign "We are not vessels" want to avoid at all costs that surrogacy is even raised in Spain.

According to the first national survey on the subject carried out by Subrogalia, a company dedicated to the legal advice of surrogacy, almost 80 percent of Spaniards are in favor of rent.

Via | 20 minutes
In Babies and more | And this is what can happen if you rent your belly: pregnant with triplets, parents ask you to abort one

Video: Grandma to Give Birth to Her Grandchild (April 2024).