Why it is very dangerous to take the children in the car seat with the coat on

When it's cold and you get in the car, how do you tie them to the chair, with or without a coat? Because I would always answer a "with a coat" to this question and I just discovered a video with which I will have to change habits about it, because of how dangerous it can be to do it this way. You can see it below: why it is very dangerous to take the children in the car seat with the coat on.

The "Today" video that answers the question

The video is in English, but it is more important to see the images because they are very representative of what we want to explain. The children wear the coat in the car it can become dangerous, or even deadly, depending on the accident, depending on how tight the belts are and how bulky the coat is.

Depending on the accident

Obviously, a frontal accident is not as dangerous as a lateral one, or one in which the onslaught comes from behind. If the accident is frontal and the child is sitting face to face, in the direction of the march, the inertia is much greater than in the other cases and it is the moment in which the belts have to hold his body.

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Depending on how tight the belts are

At that time, if the child is wearing a coat and the belts are a little loose, what you see in the video may happen, that the chest drains through them and the body flexes forward in a very energetic and dangerous way for the spine and the neck (this reminds me of that child who had to be intervened urgently after dislodging the head with respect to the neck in a traffic accident).

As bulky as the coat is

The danger of putting on the belts with the coat on is that the coat is generating a false volume in the child's chest. We are forced to extend them a bit to be able to tie him and this is based on a volume that does not really belong to the child's body, but has increased by the garment. In the event of an accident, if the child does not wear a jacket, his body does not lose volume due to the pressure of the belt, but a jacket does. The padding that leads to the cold can give way by the pressure of the belt and, consequently, leave that space so that the child's body can slide out of the restraint.

If we add to this that many of the coats we put on them are waterproof and, therefore, "slippery", we have a too dangerous combination in case of an accident.

Better without a coat and put the coat on top

So the recommendation is put the children in the chair without a coat, put the belts so that the child is well taken to the chair (and not that of putting on it to avoid fines, in any way), and throw the jacket over, or carry a blanket that we can use instead.

But ... in the video it does not seem that the belts are very well put

Already. I suppose you have also realized that they could have tied the doll with a little more care. Probably, if so, the result would not be so striking, because at the end of the video the doll just moves (it goes very well caught) and the one from the beginning comes almost flying (you can see more slack in the belts). In any case, the logic of what they intend to explain is still there and we must be very careful about it and be clear that if the jacket generates more volume and is slippery, our son might not be traveling safe enough.

Video: Pediatrics: Child Car Seat Safety (July 2024).