And this is what can happen if you rent your belly: pregnant with triplets, parents ask you to abort one

The call Surrogate motherhood, which is the fine way of talking about rent belly, is a legal practice in some countries but prohibited even in others, such as here in Spain, where couples who want to do so have to turn to women from other countries, sometimes ethically reprehensible, as in the case of Women's farms in India.

Where women can be done, they should be able to gestate the baby of other people for wanting to carry out an act of solidarity, for love, for appreciation, without coercion and never for economic reasons. And the conditions should be very clear on all sides, in all cases, because otherwise this is what can happen if you rent your belly: a woman, triplets pregnant, has received from the biological parents the request that one of the fetuses abort because they don't want three.

Rental mother in California

This has happened recently in California and the name of the mother who decided to rent her belly is Brittneyrose Torres, 26, to help the cousin of a friend who after a long time trying to be a mother learned that they could not be parents. The young woman underwent in vitro fertilization treatment and she got pregnant with triplets, two boys and one girl.

Not that it was impossible for them to be triplets, but it did not fit into the plans of the biological parents and they asked him to abort one of the fetuses. Apparently, two embryos were implanted, and she made it very clear to the couple that she would not abort any babies. This meant that if the pregnancy went on one or two babies would be born, and the couple agreed. However, as is commonly said, nature makes its way and escapes medical control, and one of the subdivided embryos, resulting in the two children, who are twins.

The couple promised to pay $ 25,000 for the pregnancy and $ 5,000 more if the pregnancy was twins. However, the triplets did not fit into their plans and they asked him to abort one.

I will not abort any baby

According to the parents, the reason for aborting the baby is a doctor. But Torres has talked to doctors about it and they assure him that the three fetuses are progressing properly, so there is no medical reason to interrupt any pregnancy.

So he has decided to refuse because, as we read in Minute One, he thinks it would be like "kill the baby". In addition, she is surprised because she had already told them that she would not do it, that she would not abort any baby, for going against her principles.

What will happen? We do not know, but the couple has not taken anything well Torres decision and has stopped paying the established fees. Hopefully they would have signed a contract, because if I don't see the girl giving birth to three children of whom she is a mother, but not biologically.

Perhaps everything ends up with the biological parents accepting all three, or rejecting them, and all together in court so that a judge can decide with whom those three babies who, in reality, should finally stay. they are not to blame for anything.

It's not the first time

This has probably happened on many occasions, so we cannot say that this is the first time that the biological couple puts problems to the final result. A year ago, for example, we talked here about a couple who went to look for their babies and took the healthy twin, leaving the one with Down syndrome with the surrogate mother.

Video: Surrogate mom with triplets fights biological parents' abortion request (July 2024).