Sexual abuse is also child abuse (and there are many types)

Sexual abuse of minors is silenced on many occasions, but it is necessary to make it public, take it into account, be aware of its existence and the need to persecute and eradicate it. To this end, the Spanish Academy of Sexology and Sexual Medicine has published the "New typology of Child Abuse", which proposes that the concept of sexual abuse be extended and subtypes are indicated.

In this way, and as the video we see below clearly explains, it is intended to complete the existing classification of childcare including a new general typology labeled as “sexual abuse” and omissions of basic care in the field of care are also included as abuse. sexual and emotional development.

These are silenced forms of child abuse. But the figures are shocking: 10% of boys and 20% of girls suffer some form of sexual abuse. The Academy of Sexology and Sexual Medicine believes that the definition of "sexual abuse" falls short and that it must be understood as any intentional, non-accidental action, or omission that could harm child sexuality and its subsequent sexual and loving development.

Nine types of sexual abuse

The Academy, from the general category of “SEXUAL MALTRATE” proposes the following subtypes that we extract from the document:

  • Mutilation or physical damage to organs of clear sexual significance, such as clitoral mutilation, labia minora or major; as well as breast mutilation or pressure with objects that impede its growth, etc. These practices are an attack on the property of the body and freedom, threatening the sexual development and sexual and loving life of people for their entire lives. As in many other cases, mutilations are also, at the same time, a form of physical and emotional abuse, but it is important that they be recognized as a specific attack on the sexual and loving life of women.

  • The arranged marriages of minors Prepubertal or teenagers by adults, often, but not only, girls who are handed over as wives by the family itself. The forms are very varied, but they are always an attack on the property of his body and the freedom to decide his sexual and love life, truncating, in addition, his development in numerous aspects, such as academic and professional.

  • Sexually abuse a minor person that you cannot consent, given your age (or your mental and social limitations) or that you are subjected to any sexual conduct without your consent. The forms of abuse and the strategies of the abusers are very diverse, including actions through the internet such as sexting and grooming, among others. The person who abuses usually uses his age asymmetry (due to his greater power and knowledge) and different forms of coercion or deception. Sexual abuse is an attack on the sexual and love life of minors, their freedom and their childhood, with effects that, in some cases, last a lifetime.

  • The different forms of commercial sexual exploitation of minors, with two very specific forms, the so-called child prostitution (because in no case can it be considered a free decision) and child pornography.  These forms of sexual abuse must be separated from sexual abuse, because their commercial nature, social context, motivation, etc., is very different. In the first case, it is the sale or purchase of sexual services of minors or participation in any type of commercial mediation in this activity. The second is to involve minors in the production, marketing, sale, purchase, dissemination or use of content with child-adolescent pornography.

  • Non-acceptance of sexual identity, including the transsexuality and transgender of a boy or a girl. It is an attack on his personal identity, not recognizing the most specific of a person, his most authentic self that, as is known, can lead to numerous sufferings and very negative effects on sexual and loving, family, school and social life.

  • Non-acceptance of homosexuality or bisexuality in childhood or adolescence. These people have the same sexual and loving needs as the rest of the population, needs that they want to solve with people of their own sex or with both sexes. Do not accept them attentive to your identity as a person, your entire sexual and loving life, the couple or family that you may wish to have, etc., and may cause serious psychological, social and professional damages.

  • Denial to persons with disabilities of sex education and sexual rights that could be enforced if they received adequate assistance. The principle of integration and greater possible normalization of persons with disabilities should also be extended to the sexual, affective and loving field. The opposite is an attack on the fundamental rights of these people, who should not have more limitations than those derived from their degree of disability, if applicable.

  • The different forms of sexual negligence, such as not offering adequate information and education in the family and school for their sexual health. Different forms of sexual negligence such as denying basic information, ceasing to make an adequate positive sexual education, preventing professionals at school or in the health and social services that inform the children and adolescents and help them avoid risks is a way of Negligence that can have serious well-known personal and social consequences.

  • Gender violence and all types of domestic violence It can have serious consequences for girls, boys and adolescents, so it must also be considered a specific form of child abuse that affects especially bad socialization as a man or as a woman. In addition to the direct consequences of overt violence, non-egalitarian educational models perpetuate inequalities and prevent the healthy development of men and women, socializing for discrimination against women since childhood and causing shortcomings that hinder the sexual and love life of both sexes

In short, it is an initiative that we hope will help to make these problems visible and that has received the adhesion of the Spanish Association of Primary Care Pediatrics. It is logical that, as in the cases of physical, emotional and neglect, sexual abuse also has subtypes: Child sexual abuse is not only sexual abuse of minors.

Video: What are child abuse and neglect? (May 2024).