The use of antidepressants during pregnancy could double the risk of having a child with autism

It is not the first time that antidepressants taken in pregnancy are associated with the risk of autism, nor is it probably the last, but the hypothesis seems to be gaining strength precisely because of that, because a new study has shown that if antidepressants are taken during pregnancy the risk of having a child with autism spectrum disorder can double.

But ... more and more people take antidepressants

In the last 10 years the consumption of antidepressants has tripled in Spain, associated with a higher incidence of mood-related disorders. The crisis, a society that advances without mercy and seeing that many problems do not have an easy way out makes many people end up using these drugs to try to be better with themselves or in their lives.

However, that does not mean that it is a medication with its risks and side effects, and one of them could happen during pregnancy, in case the woman consumes them.

More and more children with autism

In parallel, every time there is more cases of children suffering from autism. It cannot be said that this is a consequence of the former, because there are many other risk factors, but it is important to try to know what affects and what does not affect so that each family makes the appropriate decisions in this regard, and antidepressants seem to be a factor that favors the disorder.

This follows from a study in which data from 145,000 children in Québec were analyzed, which were followed for 10 years from the moment of conception. In all that time, the researchers collected data related to autism, maternal depression and the use of antidepressants during the second or third trimester. This information was crossed with the confounding variables: maternal age, socioeconomic factors and a history of psychiatric disorders, which are also risk factors for autism.

When analyzing the data they saw that the risk was 87% higher than in babies whose mothers did not take antidepressants, which is almost twice as likely.

Why is there more risk of autism?

The reasons for this happening are unclear, precisely because It is still unclear what is the mechanism that triggers depression. It has long been thought to be due to an imbalance of certain chemicals in the brain, particularly serotonin, also known as the "happiness hormone." To try to restore those levels and return to normal, the so-called SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors), but as it has been seen that many people do not improve much, it is suspected that this is not the real cause of depression (that the cause is another, even greater, and that the imbalance of serotonin is only a consequence of that cause).

These drugs, SSRIs, are what more relate to autism in the baby. It is believed to happen as it crosses the placenta and increases serotonin levels in the baby. In theory, in the mother, more serotonin, less depression, but it has been seen that children with autism have higher than normal serotonin levels, and an increase during pregnancy, at a time when the brain is developing, could boost the disorder.

And so?

The authors do not conclude that the best thing in case of depression of women during pregnancy is not to treat it, but look for possible alternatives during pregnancy so as not to have to resort to drugs that reach the fetus. If we consider that one in four women has depression during pregnancy, it is clear that we need as soon as possible to know the risks and benefits of treatments and possible alternatives.

Video: Can Pregnant Women take Antidepressants? (July 2024).