What do you recommend: bassinet, baby cot or baby cot? the question of the week

When a couple expects a baby, it is common for them to go to a childcare store to buy everything they will need for the baby and, although many things are expendable, they usually end up buying something for the baby to sleep. With the difference in customs, the passage of time and the change in size of the rooms, which sometimes determines the choice, parents can choose between bassinet, cradle, crib and even colecho cradle.

Imagine some parents there, before the saleswoman, having to choose between so many options. Well, to lend a hand to anyone who may have this doubt, based on the experience of those who have already been through it, we ask you this week:

What do you recommend: bassinet, baby cot or baby cot?

Last week we asked you: End of course gifts for your children's teachers, yes or no? to see what you told us about it.

sif told us the following:

I remember that when I was a child, in third of EGB, we had a young teacher who loved us and took care of us in such a special way, that it was a pleasure to go to school. I remember that the children themselves made a piggy bank to make a detail, but the students, with the hard gummies of Sunday. I do not see myself taking a box of chocolates to my son's teacher in gratitude for all the knowledge he has transmitted or all the patience he has had.

Merak, meanwhile, told us this:


I don't have children yet, but I have worked for a couple of years as an assistant Spanish teacher in Germany.

Here the culture of gratitude to the teacher is deeply rooted, but there is also a deference from teachers to students: each teacher thanks after each class. Because of my position as an assistant, I have been able to be much closer with them, tell them my things and listen to theirs (very interesting what is cooked in the minds of the fifteen-year-old kids) and in general I get along great with all of them.

Last year, when I said goodbye to my institutes, the students turned to me. All classes gave me a signed photo, some classes even made me whole albums, recipe books with pictures and drawings made by them. Two hundred cards thanking me, precious letters in Spanish and German telling me how well they had been with me and how much they would miss me. Some gave me a cocoa of lips and stickers and a bottle of Maggi sauce :) (very typical in this area of ​​Germany) and on my last day they made me biscuits and cakes and we had breakfast together (and they promised me that they had made them, no your mothers). The elders gave me chocolate.

Oh, last year I bought a postcard from Valencia - my hometown - for each and every one of my 248 students. I signed and personally dedicated each one to all of them. In addition, I brought some potato tortillas to some classes and I took them all Schoko-Bons to say goodbye. And I bought a book for the top five in the senior class. Let's say I spent 25% of my salary for a month, but it was totally worth it and I would do it again. I loved them as if they were my children, I became very fond of them, I learned almost all the names and I can tell stories of many of them. This year I have visited them a few times and they always receive me with a smile.

This year an adult woman who taught English gave me chocolates on my last day. I also gave her chocolate. It was a mutual recognition of how much we had enjoyed together.

So ... for or against? If born of the kids, great. After all, it is not just any job; an important link is established with them if you do it right. Sometimes they make a gesture to tell me confidences and show me the photos of their nuns :). All that counts. And if you ask me, I prefer something done by them to something bought. I keep with immense affection all the cool things that have been done to me and when I am sad I look at them and I remember that I did not do everything wrong. This is a job that, especially in Spain, is poorly paid and worse respected. In Germany a little more is respected. But what are we going to do, it is one of the most beautiful jobs in the world and it is very worthwhile.

And I cut the scroll, which I wrote half Genesis here.

Now the new question for this week is now available and remember that you have a week to answer it Please do so in the "Answers" section and not responding to this entry. I know that I repeat myself, but if you answer here we can not take them into account for next week.

Video: Safe Sleep Practices: Why babies don't choke on their backs (July 2024).