The poor quality of the air the pregnant woman breathes related to low birth weight

The oxygen contaminants that the mother breathes also reach the baby through the umbilical cord blood. So, the quality of air the pregnant woman breathes While a new being is growing inside it will have a lot to do with its development.

Beijing, due to its high levels of pollution, is a good case study to discuss this issue. This was believed by a team of researchers led by David Rich, an epidemiologist at the University of Rochester (USA), who collected data on 83,672 full-term births (between 37 and 42 weeks of gestational age) of women from four urban districts of that city. In conclusion of that study, it was found, once again, that air pollution is related to low birth weight In the kids.

During the 2008 Olympic Games the air quality improved dramatically. During those months, pollutant concentrations dropped between 20% and 60%, so researchers took advantage of that time window to see if this improvement in pollution had an effect on women who were pregnant at the time.

Indeed, the study published now in Environmental Health Perspectives, found that babies born in 2008 weighed on average 23 grams more than those of 2007 and 2009. It probably seems little, but if you consider that it was only an improvement of the quality of the air of between six and seven weeks, it shows that air pollution has a lot to do with the weight that the baby increases in pregnancy, especially towards the last stage, when he gains weight more quickly and accelerates the development of the central nervous, cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems.

Along the same lines of this hypothesis, we had already talked about the advantages of women living in green areas during pregnancy, where there are fewer premature births, compared to urban environments with noise, pollution and little greenness.

Undoubtedly, although it is not so important, the environment and the quality of air the pregnant woman breathes has significant effects on the development of the unborn baby, conditioning her future health.

Video: Are You Really Eating for Two? Food and Nutrition During Pregnancy (July 2024).