Smileat, organic and handmade pots for your baby

The feeding of our children is one of the issues that concern us most when we become parents. When they start with complementary feeding, after six months, we try to offer homemade recipes made from natural products, but there is not always time to prepare them, so we must go to ready-made products.

An option for those occasions is Smileat, organic and artisanal pots made without preservatives or added sugars or any other type of additives. A new brand with three young entrepreneurs behind that wants to offer healthy and accessible food for the little ones.

The secret of Smileat pots is the raw materials treated with all the care of the world. The chicken that is used to make the products grows in the field, in freedom and is fed in an ecological way. Tomatoes taste like real tomatoes, and none of the vegetables have been treated with pesticides, dyes or preservatives. All ecological.

All ingredients are one hundred percent natural, without any extra ingredients to preserve taste, color, smell, etc. In addition, the pots are wide-mouthed and short to make it easier to feed the baby or even experiment with the spoon.

There are a variety of six flavors (at the moment), both sweet and savory, for babies from 6 months, and in each product all the ingredients used and the nutritional values ​​are detailed.

The prices are very reasonable. Between 1.79 and 2.09 euros the jar. And since their commitment is totally ecological, if you buy online and live in Madrid capital, they deliver your order by bike. Without a doubt, a good alternative for when there is no

Video: Autism awareness bars (July 2024).