Learning happy

When we consider the needs of children to achieve an optimal development of their personal abilities that allow them to have a satisfactory future life parents think, logically, in your happiness and in your learning.

But is it possible that there is a happy learning? My opinion is that really both aspects of the development of a human being are united and should be, because it is also that for a person to really learn they need to feel safe, not be afraid, not be under stress.

It is not a proclamation without bases, quite the opposite, the most modern researchers in neurology affirm this precisely, the brain is able to learn but it really does when the emotional conditions of the subject are appropriate.

Learning is natural.

The human being, as a species, is characterized precisely by learning ability and that rewards him internally. We are endowed with characteristics that define us as a species and that have made us succeed in the struggle for existence. The human being learns. It is indispensable for its survival and Nature makes us capable of learning.

Curiosity, the research spirit, the ability to solve problems, memory, retention of knowledge that we consider useful is something that we carry in genes and that, without a doubt, provides us with intense experiences of joy.

What does a child need to learn?

First and foremost, having your basic needs covered, of course. But those basic needs are not just the physical ones, they are also the psychological and emotional ones.

Being well nourished, healthy and careful is essential, but also feel loved, protected, in a safe environment and with adults who treat you with respect and affection. Definitely, being happy is very important to be able to assimilate knowledge.

Parents are responsible for the child feels happy and to achieve this they must offer support, trust, personalized attention, listen without judgment and the security of affection.

And it seems perogrullo, but children need to spend more time with their parents and this should focus on child protection policies, in giving them the precise conditions so that in their childhood they can be cared for and cared for mainly by their families, something that Children, when they are given a voice, they make it very clear.

Children need free play, both to be happy and to learn. They learn through play and any program that focuses on improving their lives should also contemplate the great importance of having sufficient time and play spaces for their future.

Once the quality of life, the presence of their parents in the home available to them and the ability to play are guaranteed, the rest will come as an addition, important, but as an additive.

And in school?

Same as home children should be happy learning in school. For the little ones, those of Infant and Primary, schools should provide them with educational environments and programs that allow them to naturally develop that happy learning. If a child feels fear, anger, pressure or is charged with negative judgments, he will learn nothing. To learn children must be happy and only that will improve the result of a system personally and in general.

We do not stop worrying about the bad educational results but the proposed measures seem to be precisely in the wrong line; pressuring children more, sending more homework, advancing the requirement in literacy, not lowering ratios, not taking care to improve the working conditions of teachers, taking more exams of evaluable content and, in many cases, memorials. Anxiety is contrary to learning. It deteriorates it, it slows it down.

True effective learning is happy. No curriculum, regulations, organization or procedure should be implemented in Education if it does not focus on the child's need.

Young children should not fear bad assessments, or feel overwhelmed by the contents, or lose sleep and games for doing abusive duties, they should not be labeled or punished for being what they are, children who need to learn by doing, playing, laughing, moving, motivated by the desire to discover and not by the fear of reprimand. Children know what they need, you just have to listen to them.

In short, to improve the lives of children Your happiness is the priority objective, and that should be the center of any childhood care reform or educational proposal.

Video: Owning Alone: conquering your fear of being solo: Teresa Rodriguez at TEDxWilmington (July 2024).