We have tried it: Imprify, simple application to create photo albums

For some time the so-called photobooks (photobooks) have become fashionable that are neither more nor less than our long-awaited photo albums of a lifetime and that with the advent of digital photography had almost disappeared.

Imprify Photobooks is a simple application to create photo albums, simple, easy to use and with a very acceptable result. We have tried it and we tell you how the experience has been.

The application is available for Apple and Android platforms and can be downloaded for free. Once installed we open an account and ask us what social network we want to connect, facebook, twitter, Instagram or Dropbox. The latter seemed very interesting because it allows us to access the photos that we have stored elsewhere without having to be forced to use the ones we have on our mobile.

Once the networks have been selected, we can start creating our album. We will indicate the origin from which we want to select the image and simply clicking on them will be added to the album. The minimum number of images that we must select are 22, although finding 22 photos of our children do not think that is a problem for anyone.

Once we have selected the photos we want, we finish and we can start editing our album, the application allows us to change the cover and put a small description under each image (something that happened to me completely), as well as put a sentence to the end of album

And that's it, we have finished creating our photo album, it only remains to pay and send. After three days, although it came before me, we will have in our house the printed album, bound in very good quality and in a box with a very elegant design.


In general the experience has been very good and as promised it has been simple to use and very fast.

We liked

  • Speed: In five minutes we can have the album finished and the print order sent. The complicated thing will be to be clear what photos you want to put on it.
  • Simple: Simply select the images you want and they will do the rest.
  • Quality ata material: both in the box that saves the album and in the printed pages.
  • We would improve

    The truth is that the possible improvements that I see are already for note, because the application perfectly fulfills its mission and expectations of the general public. But the possibility of being able modify the cover design or be able to resize images, although the latter we can do it on the outside and then upload the image, but they would give it a plus if it were possible to do it as we see how it would look.

    He price The 22-photo album is € 19.9 plus € 4 shipping.

    A little tip

    When using this application or printing any other photograph it is essential that you take into account the quality of the photographs you select, as poor quality can spoil the printing of an image. Therefore, I would advise making the selection from a platform that was not a mobile phone where we can see the image well and be able to edit them to improve them. This will save you many dislikes when you see the final result.

    Video: imprify app (July 2024).