Tips to prevent birth defects in the baby

Congenital defects or birth defects are alterations produced in the embryo or fetus that are manifested in the course of pregnancy, at birth or during the first years of life.

Naturally, it is one of the major concerns among future parents, so if you are looking for a pregnancy, there are some tips you should keep in mind to prevent birth defects in the baby.

Three to four children out of one hundred have congenital defects at the time of birth, which in addition to the congenital defects that manifest in the first years of life, the frequency of affected children can reach seven percent.

They are caused by genetic (inherited from the parents) and environmental causes (in the environment of the embryo and in the environment of the mother), therefore, both the mother as the father must take precautions to have a healthy baby.

  • Eliminate alcohol, the main cause of birth defects in pregnancy. It is one of the great threats that endangers the health of the baby inside the uterus.

  • As well as alcohol, the consumption of tobacco and other drugs, they are detrimental to the development of the fetus and are related to congenital defects.

  • Supplement of folic acid and iodine: The woman should take a dose of 0.4mg daily from 3 months before becoming pregnant to prevent neural tube defects and heart defects, as well as fetal urinary malformations, hydranencephaly and cleft lip. Iodine, meanwhile, is essential for the baby's brain development.

  • Both men and women should eat a healthy and varied diet before pregnancy to avoid birth defects in the baby. Foods high in saturated fat can alter the quality of reproductive cells.

  • Go to the doctor at the time you decide to find a pregnancy. The preconception visit is very useful to prevent problems in pregnancy.

  • Once pregnant, go to all pregnancy control reviews. The prevention of diseases such as gestational diabetes or preeclampsia is key to minimizing risks.

  • Follow good hygiene habits during pregnancy and the food you eat. Avoid the risk of toxoplasmosis and follow these tips for safe feeding during pregnancy.

  • Do not take medications that have not been prescribed by your doctor and avoid handling toxic substances or products.