Need help choosing the perfect toy? See the Aiju 3.0 Guide

Christmas is approaching and the supply of toys is so wide that advice is needed. If you need help to choose the perfect toy For your children we recommend the Aiju 3.0 Guide, prepared by the Technological Institute of Children and Leisure Products.

It is a non-profit association, therefore its recommendations are not driven by advertising or commercial objectives, but are based on quality criteria and psycho-pedagogical studies. In addition to the toys they recommend have been tested by the leading specialists, children.

The guide can be visited online or by installing for free your iPhone and Android application and thus be able to always have it on hand when you go to buy a toy.

It informs us about the stages of evolution of children and the most appropriate toys for each of them, recommending products with quality assurance.

It also includes new international trends in child development psychopedagogy, and this year they wanted to highlight the important role of emotions in children and how toys can accompany in that regard.

Aiju He surrounds himself with those who know best, parents, toy libraries, educators and experts, to devote himself to research on the game and assess the quality of toys. Based on the results prepared each year this guide that will help you choose the perfect toy.