Too Small to Fail: children are "small and valuable"

There are children who from their birth are doomed to not be able to develop their full potential due to a disadvantaged environment. But that trend could change, it should change. Too small to fail ("Too small to fail") It is a project of the Next Generation association and the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation in the United States.

The society, called in Spanish "Small and Valuable", has the mission of helping parents and businesses to take significant measures to improve the health and well-being of children up to five years old. They keep in mind that children's health and learning in the early years have a positive impact on people's long-term success.

There is talk of "academic success" and "productivity", terms with which we can agree less, but I do identify with the "means" to develop the potential of children, such as reading stories, singing or spending more time with they, among other things, favor the expansion of vocabulary and linguistic development.

In the video they give us some "tricks" to expand children's vocabulary in a fun and simple way. Because while we play with them, we sing to them, embrace them and create moments and shared memories, we help their brain development and grow happier.

In 2014 "To Small to Fail" focused on the so-called "vocabulary gap": middle and upper class children hear 15 million words more than children in working class families, and 30 million words more than Children from families receiving public assistance.

The association headed by Hilary Clinton has proposed to make this gap smaller, facilitating access to children's books to the most disadvantaged families, among other measures that will make children have equal opportunities in the future.

The definitive, the "Too Small to Fail" or "Small and valuable" project takes into account the great potential of children in their early years and pushes us to stimulate them for their development. Inequalities in childhood also affect their future, and small actions can be done to mitigate them.

Official Site | Too small, Small and valuable
Video | Youtube
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Video: Too Small To Fail (July 2024).