Warning signs in pregnancy: when should I worry?

The usual thing is that the pregnancy passes without complications, but as a natural process there are also certain risk situations that we must know in order to go to the doctor and control them. But, What are the warning signs in pregnancy? When should I worry and go to the hospital?

It is difficult to determine a priori when to call the hospital, gynecologist or go directly to the health center without losing a minute. Your general condition will probably tell you how to act, but we can say that there are certain alarm signs that cannot wait.

If during pregnancy you observe or notice some of the symptoms described below, you should immediately notify the health personnel who monitor the pregnancy, if possible in the same hospital. These situations could be dangerous for both the mother and the baby.

Warning signs in pregnancy

  • Fever of 38 degrees Celsius or more. High fever for several days can harm the fetus. It is recommended to try to lower the fever with home remedies (warm cloths in front, fresh drinks, little clothes ...) and go to the hospital to locate the cause and if it is necessary to treat the infection.

  • At the beginning of pregnancy, a pain in the side of the belly, which could be triggered by an ectopic pregnancy.

  • Pain, discomfort or blood when urinating, which could indicate a urine infection.

  • Expect blood when coughing.

  • Continuous vomiting that does not give way. It may be a hyperemesis during pregnancy that has to be controlled or other risk diseases.

  • Frequent diarrhea that lasts for more than a day, especially if it contains blood or mucus.

  • In case of accident or major blowDo not hesitate to go to the hospital for a general review and assess the condition of the fetus.

  • In case of sudden swelling of the ankles, face or hands ... as it could be preeclampsia.

  • Vision disorders such as having blurred vision, seeing flashes, spots ...

  • Severe headaches, usually accompanied by previous vision disorders.

  • Intense abdominal pain, similar to a very strong, long contraction that does not remit. Cramps in the belly area.

If the bleeding is accompanied by pain or dizziness, the concern is greater and obviously you also have to go to the hospital.

  • Bleed vaginally in an abundant amount, similar to a rule. Intense hemorrhage at the end of pregnancy poses a significant risk of abortion and we must not allow time to be controlled and to determine the cause of blood loss. On the other hand, if the bleeding is small (what is known as "spotting") usually entails fewer risks. It often happens after an internal gynecological exam, such as a transvaginal ultrasound, or after having sex. They are small spots of red or brown color that do not usually last more than a day and although we can be calmer we should not stop telling the doctor at the next visit or go to the gynecologist if he repeats, because there could be infection ...

  • Sudden increase in thirst, together with a sudden and marked decrease in the amount of urine.

  • Painful or burning urination, along with tremors and fever or backaches.

  • From the fifth month, if the baby does not move for a long time, that is, if you notice a very evident decrease in fetal activity. Remember that to notice well the movements of the baby we must be at rest and pending, because in the daily activity it is possible that it has moved but we do not notice.

  • Also at the end of pregnancy, If the bag is broken and the liquid is greenish or yellowish, you should go to the hospital immediately, or if it bleeds. If not (clear or transparent color of the amniotic fluid), the rupture will not be as urgent but the delivery is approaching.

Although it is likely that fright and haste make us forget, try to bring the "Pregnant Health Document" to the hospital, that is, the "Maternal Primer". It will be very useful in the hospital because it contains all the information about pregnancy and other necessary clinical data in case you need health care at any time during pregnancy.

These are the warning signs that can happen during pregnancy and before which we have to seek quick medical assistance, without letting the symptoms pass, to avoid complications or damages. Most of these signs do not necessarily indicate serious problems for your health or that of the baby, but when in doubt and risk, it is better to go to the hospital quickly.

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In Babies and more | The risk of abortion in the first weeks of pregnancy, Natural abortions: warning signs, Blood loss in the first trimester of pregnancy

Video: Pregnancy Health Information : Warning Signs in Early Pregnancy (July 2024).