The skills acquired when doing physical activity are related to good academic performance

I have put the image of some children running as I could have embedded that of some children by hitting a ball or playing basketball; or others swimming or jumping; and if you hurry me, I could have even looked for one of the minors practicing hockey online (as he has done for doing my little daughter from this course) or tennis.

Because physical activity is many things at once, and it does not have to go through more or less regulated sports, nor are they just the physical education classes of the school ... Of course, It is more than advisable to encourage children to exercise regularly, for many reasons that we periodically comment on here. The most important are that the sedentary is avoided and that directly affects the health of the little ones.

Earlier this month, we learned from Vitónica's colleagues about a cross-sectional study published in The Jornal of Pediatrics, according to which physical activity at any age improves academic performance. Researchers from the Universities of Madrid (Autonomous), Cádiz and California, have found that cardiorespiratory and motor capacity (independently or in combination) is beneficially related to academic performance.

There is no evidence, however, between muscle strength and performance.

It seems that cardiorespiratory capacity influences better organic and brain nutrition; and aerobic capacity stimulates the production of substances that are good for neurons, enhancing brain functions.

The study has included 2038 children between the ages of six and 18, of whom 989 were girls. Have been included indicators related to skills acquired during exercise, such as motor ability, agility, coordination or cardiorespiratory capacity; and academic performance has also been measured.

And finally: it's not just about knowing it, but also about putting it into practice, encouraging our children to move frequently, obviously the example of parents is very important and they have to see us do it, they have to see us that we take them hiking, that while they are in the game, we run for the athletics track, that we are not lazy to take the bike, and that we remain physically active.

The "what" matters more than the "how"I want to say that not all children feel like doing regular sports, but many enjoy taking the bike frequently with their friends, or walking beside their parents on the mountain. It matters to exercise, and do it regularly. Not only is it for the present health of our children, it is that chronic diseases can be prevented.

Video: Comprehensive School Physical Activity Programs: Enhancing Student Health and Academic Performance (May 2024).