Why give sugary drinks to the baby? Increase the risk of obesity

When it is said that exclusive breastfeeding is recommended up to six months, it is being said not to give the baby another drink. When the complementary feeding begins, next to the breast milk it can be given water, but, Why offer sugary drinks to the baby?

Is there a reason to advise you? When they are under one year old, the sugar that carries juices or infusions increases the risk of obesity, caries and can also influence your appetite, causing the baby to reject food that does need.

There are studies that see up to twice the propensity for obesity in six-year-olds who drank sugary drinks before 12 months. Probably, because their parents continue to offer them these types of liquids, which are not recommended to drink in abundance.

And much less when they are babies because, as we have advanced, we are taking away space from other nutritionally perfect foods such as breast milk or others also important for the development of the baby when the complementary feeding begins.

Then, it is better that you opt for the natural fruit, in pieces or in porridge, or natural juices and preferably in teaspoons or in glass, not in a bottle. This is so because having a teat with sugar in the mouth for a long time increases the risk of small children having bottle decay.

Both obesity and tooth decay are "side effects" that continue over time due to the custom that children take since childhood, since the family's nutritional habits do not usually change in excess with the passage of time. It is proven that these habits and food preferences of children are strongly determined by the first year of life.

And although we may think that the baby's teeth will fall, the risk of tooth decay, as is logical, continues with the final teeth (and they cannot be left untreated in the milk ones ...).

Definitely, The next time you wonder if you give sugary drinks to the baby, remember that, for your health, you can wait. And later, packaged juices and soft drinks also in moderation ...

Video: Fit Minute - Limiting Sugary Beverages (July 2024).