Perfect childhood

One of the priorities of parents is to provide children a perfect childhood, always trying to improve what they have had. Through this desire, some parents only think about providing a lot of activities with which the child fills their time, be they physical, educational activities, etc.

The parents want these activities to be perfectly developed by the child, to dominate them, to stand out in them. They also do everything possible to cover, in addition to their needs, their desires, to provide what they wanted as children, thinking that their descendants have the same concerns. So far it may seem perfect, wanting our children to be better than us is natural, but we should not confuse terms such as providing or forcing.

A philosophy that is based on teaching along with the requirement can make the child have a good base in the future, but it can also be the beginning of various problems due to the requirement that parents present towards their children. What is a perfect childhood? How would we define the concept? It is clear that for each parent there is a perfect childhood that the child will enjoy, but not all of them are the most appropriate, it is necessary to be guided by experts and not only by our own desires, because sometimes our desires are not the most successful, each child is a world and each one has his abilities and his limitations.

To wish that our little one is the best, the winner or the champion in any of the activities that he can perform is nothing more than a selfishness hidden behind our way of seeing things. Many specialists indicate that for proper learning in any subject, it is necessary for the child to play freely, without that game being directed by us and that he has his own free time. Filling up your time gaps with different activities until you cover it is the worst for a little one who is developing.

One observation, even schools provide recreational space so that the child is not saturated and can enjoy a time of freedom where no obligation intervenes. We as parents must act in the same way and even more intentionally.

During the summer there are several preferred recreational activities of the child and others that are preferred by us, combining both activities will be the most appropriate, learn and enjoy, but do not forget that it is the best time for parents to share more time with their children, not only accompanying him in the activities he is suggested to do, also with the ones that the child enjoys most and that he wishes to share with his parents.

Video: A Perfect Childhood? - Shaykh Riyadh ul Haq (July 2024).