The most "memorable" phrases heard in the delivery room

It is a unique, unrepeatable, different moment for each woman and in each birth. They do not usually say unforgettable phrases, say that one is not to think good "slogans" when it comes to receiving a child, but some phrases heard in the delivery room are memorable.

Mothers who want to go home or set fire to anyone who was contemplating their contractions (did you not want to be accompanied either?), Parents who ask for appointments with nurses or prepare to receive the baby as if they were throwing a ball, forceps that they become salad tongs, surprises when the ultrasound was wrong ...

On the AskReddit website where questions are posed to the staff, someone had the idea of ​​calling doctors and nurses and asking them what they had been the strangest or funniest phrases They had said ("shouted") in the delivery room and there are about 2500 comments with some incredible (and others not so funny ...).

We select some of the most amazing moments lived in the delivery room, surreal conversations on occasion but it is that, as they say, the reality surpasses fiction ... Although one of the conversations has reminded me precisely of a movie: when the mother tells her to the supposed father that the baby that is being born is not his.

My mom almost hit her best friend when I left (...) My mom said, "How is she?" And her friend's response was ... "Something like ET." My mother didn't like it.
My father has told me that they thought I was a girl all the time until birth. I went out through a caesarean section and the doctor said "Eh, they got it with extra equipment"
When my brother was born they had to use forceps to get him out. My mother saw them and shouted: 'That is salad tongs! You are not going to put any damn kitchen utensil out there!
I am a nurse, but also a mother. My husband told me that when I was pushing I breathed in the gas of laughing nitrous oxide and shouted "I am Lady Darth Vader!" Then I asked the doctor if he felt my tonsils when he put his arm around. They were my coworkers.
After a long contraction, I calmly said: 'I will set fire to everyone in this room.' Everyone will be laughing, including the nurse, but I think my mother-in-law, who is a devout Christian, began to cry.
My wife asked me, in a satanic voice, "Get better pieces of ice, they stink!" I'm not sure about the quality issue, but I ran and they gave him a cup full of different ice.
During one of the deliveries my flatmate was working on, the mother and father were separated, but they were still good friends. While the woman was pushing the baby she started telling my partner (half talking, half screaming) that she had to go out with her ex, the baby's father. The conversation went something like this: -Mother: 'You should really (scream in pain) ... go out with him (more screams). It is fun'. -Father: 'I wouldn't mind having a drink, what are you doing tonight?'
When my sister was giving birth, she kept screaming and my mother tried to calm her down: 'Everything will be fine. Breath deeply. Everything will end soon. ' Then my sister looked at my mother and said: 'You have no idea what this is.'
A fully dilated patient begins to push and changes her mind: 'I don't want to do this, I'm going to my p ... home'. Then he tried to leave.
I am an emergency doctor who attended a birth in a roadside ditch. The woman shouted 'get fucked' in the middle of a contraction and the husband immediately said: 'This is how we got into this mess'.
When I was born, my father did not know that babies are usually born upside down sic and when he was dating he shouted: 'Oh my God, he has no face!'
I am a nurse and one of the strangest things I have seen in childbirth was a woman who decided to tell her boyfriend at the time that he was not the father ... The entire room was silent and the boyfriend just left without saying anything .
A young couple The father and mother would be around 18, and he was the first child for both. The mother was pushing and the father was fulfilling that awkward role of trying to be useful without really knowing how. At one point I said: 'Ok, we can see the head'. The father jumped from his chair, ran to the counter, put on some plastic gloves and placed three meters from the mother's legs in a position to receive an American football. We all started laughing and he was very ashamed of not knowing that the children didn't shoot out like they were a ball.

We hope you are Memorable phrases heard in the delivery room make you smile and tell us your own phrases (or mothers, sisters ...) that were surprising.

Video: Miley Cyrus - The Most Audio (July 2024).