Does the shape of the nipple affect breastfeeding?

The future mother's body undergoes different changes during pregnancy and particularly the breasts. These are a matter of attention, since on them depends the feeding of the future baby.

Many moms have fears about the shape of their nipples, as they mistakenly believe that this is the point where the child adheres to the mother's breast. With proper and adequate breastfeeding, there is no reason to fear the shape of the nipple, since the child covers the entire areola with his mouth (the circle around the nipple).

On the other hand, the deposits that contain the milk, are behind this area of ​​the skin that the baby must squeeze with the tongue forming a kind of bowl. The nipple is located at the bottom of the mouth, where the soft palate is located, so it is not necessary to give importance to the shape of the nipple. Determine that the shape of a nipple can not breastfeed properly is an idea to be banished, what is important is to give the baby correctly breastfeeding.

An nipple has an average of 20 openings where the milk leaves, although it varies in shape or size, the function and purpose is the same. The child's suction stimulates the nerve endings of the nipple by helping it to harden and more easily empty the milk deposits behind the halo.

It is important to inform and acquire the appropriate knowledge so as not to be influenced by popular sayings, in this way fears and worries will disappear.

Video: 14 Proper Latch and Feeding Cues (July 2024).