Shocking: identical twins are born holding hands

There is no doubt that twins are born with a very special connection between them. This is demonstrated by this shocking image of two identical twins who were born holding hands last Friday in Ohio (United States).

The case of Jenna and Jillian is especially curious, since they are also monoamniotic and monochorial twins, or "monkey monkey", a very rare type of twins in which both babies share placenta and amniotic sac. Only one in 10,000 births is from monoamniotic twins.

It is a pregnancy product of the union of an ovule and a sperm that after fertilization is divided to create two embryos. The division of the zygote is considered a fortuitous event, a “biological accident” in which race, mother's age or inheritance do not influence.

He monochorionic and monoamniotic pregnancy It happens when the division of the zygote occurs late, between the 7th. and the 13th. day after fertilization. They share placenta and amniotic bag, the embryo being the only thing that divides.

Complications tend to be more frequent in these types of pregnancies, which is why doctors were especially surprised at the birth of the little ones, who in addition to being born without complications presented themselves to the world holding hands, as if saying "united forever".

It is not the first time we see newborn babies holding hands. Danel and María also moved all hospital staff by shaking hands at birth.

Video: RARE: Mono Mono Twins Born Holding Hands (July 2024).