Hiking in the Community of Madrid specially adapted for families

With the arrival of the sun and the good weather begins the hiking season to enjoy with the kids a good immersion in nature. In the Madrid's community There are many roads that offer a wide variety of landscapes, natural spaces and places with special heritage and cultural interest. The routes can be circular or linear. Some require some experience and fitness and others, on the other hand, hardly have difficulty, their distance is not excessively long and they are designed to do as a family. To obtain a lot of information and quality we recommend the Sendas de Madrid page.

And it is that on this page you can discover routes classified as Discover Your Cañadas, which are the perfectly marked cattle routes with directional beacons, suitable for hiking and which, in many cases, allow horse or bicycle routes. Green paths of Madrid which are mainly in the surroundings of environmental centers of the Community of Madrid, which offer among their activities guided tours by monitors and self-guided. Also suitable for cycling, horseback riding and ride.

And there are many paths and routes of interest, for example, the Way of Santiago de Madrid because the Jacobean Route runs through the Community of Madrid along six stages. Starting from the capital and touring emblematic places such as the Monte de El Pardo, La Pedriza, the Santillana reservoir or the Puerto de la Fuenfría, the Camino joins in Sahagún with the French Way to finally reach Santiago de Compostela.

There's also Natural roads which are itineraries built on old infrastructures such as railroad tracks, canals, towpaths, cattle routes, etc. The greenways which are old disused railway infrastructures converted into itineraries suitable for hiking and bicycle routes. The approved trails They are sports facilities that run along traditional roads, interconnected with each other and equipped with a code of registered signals to facilitate their journey that also ensures their recognition and minimum conditions for their transit. There are three types of trails: GR (Long Path Trails), PR (Small Path Trails) and SL (Local Trails).

There are also the Guided tours of the Community of Madrid that move the traveler to places like El Paular, the Fuenfría Valley, Aranjuez or Chinchón. Most are easy to make and accessible to anyone. And finally the Green Metro routes that are roads with start and end in various Metro stations.

In addition, taking advantage of the proximity of some paths or even being part of them, you can visit some archaeological and paleontological sites, as the Roman road of Galapagar, the historical walkway of the Fuenfría Valley or the archaeological site of the Dehesa de la Oliva (Patones).

Last year we were encouraged to climb the Ball of the world and the experience was magnificent. I recommend taking a look at the Sendas de Madrid page where there is a specific section for families with detail of the difficulty, sketches, maps, etc. to facilitate the preparation and spend a day that the kids will not forget. Although the page is improved in terms of usability, it seems that presentation is more important than practicality, it is a Very complete page that allows access to a lot of interesting information.

Video: WPT University Place: Discovering Homo Naledi (July 2024).