Neither princesses nor barbies: portrays his daughter as great women in history

There are those who portray their children as Disney princesses or story heroes and other mothers who go a step further and decide to take great women in history as models. So did photographer Jaime Moore, who to celebrate her daughter's fifth birthday, she decided to photograph her as important women.

Women honored in this unique way are Amelia Earhart (pioneer in aviation), Susan R. Anthony (suffraguist who fought for the female vote in American society), Coco Chanel (fashion designer), Helen Keller (political activist) and Jane Goodhall (naturalist and primatologist, the only woman still alive).

The girl appears in the same pose, with identical dress, until the hairstyle and the gesture are imitated with enough achievement. An original idea that attracts attention between both tribute "pink" or in bright colors to unreal characters or "superheroes" of pacotilla.

And the idea arose precisely because the mother and photographer was tired of so many princess birthdaysSo why not offer other models to girls? In addition, under each image Moore wrote famous phrases of each of them that will serve for reflection to his daughter and anyone who reads them.

In the end, a single color photograph, the five-year-old girl posing not as barbies or princesses but as future president of the United States.

That's why I loved this tribute to real women who fought for gender equality, since during the photo session the girl would learn about them. It will hardly coincide with what the kids would choose, but ... who would you choose to photograph your children?

Video: DISNEY PRINCESS. Ariel Coloring Book. English Episode. Princess Game for Children (July 2024).