Breakfast, one of the important meals of the day. Why?

Breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day, since it provides the energy and nutrients that the body needs to start well the day ahead.

Having a good and balanced breakfast every day will allow them to face daily physical and intellectual activities with more vitality and joy. For this reason, the make breakfast a habit family, will help stimulate their consumption. And we must practice by example while explaining to the smallest of the house of its importance.

In addition, we should ensure that breakfast is a nutritious meal consisting of carbohydrates like cookies or bread, dairy, fruit and water or any source of hydration. Within these four food groups, we can let them choose what they like best.

When it comes to dairy products, you can choose between a yogurt, a glass of single or chocolate milk or a little fresh cheese.

Regarding carbohydrates and fiber, you can choose between toasts, cereals alone or with fruits, biscuits or biscuits, as well as whole grain products, whether bread or other products that contain them, are also very important.

exist recipes They offer different alternatives for breakfast, all balanced.

Balanced Breakfasts

A) A yogurt, 1 toast with fresh cheese and 1 tangerines B) A glass of milk, 1 slice of bread with olive oil, a slice of serrano ham and 1 orange C) A glass of milk with cocoa, 3 cookies, and 1 banana D) A yogurt, a chocolate-filled biscuit and a glass of orange, grapefruit, peach or apple juice (can be varied) E) A yogurt with fruits (apple, banana, peach, raspberries, strawberries, etc. ) and two pancakes with jam or a LULU Bear.

As you can see, the possibilities are many. It is not necessary to always have the same breakfast. You can vary to not bore them, and make breakfast a pleasant surprise to start the day with joy.

Breakfast is a very healthy habit that we must instill in our children since they are very young. Having a good breakfast we know that many of their needs They will be satisfied. Which provides a lot of peace of mind when they stay to eat at school, as well as allowing them to have a balanced lifestyle, being able to face all activities and enjoy all their moments of the day with joy, with vitality.

It is also important that we keep in mind that breakfast and lunch are not dinner, and that children should receive a snack balanced when you get home. For example, a piece of fruit and a delicious cake. If these, in addition, have the taste and shape of the LULU Teddy, they surely love it!

Photos | Kevin Krejci, Karina Oliveira

Video: 5 Quick and Cheap Healthy Meals. ReNew Clinic (July 2024).