Babies can finally register at the hospital, without having to go to the Civil Registry

One of the most comical, as well as slightly absurd, things that happen when a couple has a baby is that on the second day the father disappears from the map, loaded with papers and patience, to do the thousand and one paperwork in order to register the baby, register him in social security, request parental and maternal leave, request birth aid (this step a few months ago the parents save it, because there is not much help anymore) and ask for time at the pediatrician for the first review after leaving the hospital.

I don't know how it would have been for the parents who read us, but in my case, and since with the cuts there are fewer employees working, the day I had to register Guim a year and a half ago I threw myself all morning in court, pissed off thinking that I would be better in the hospital with my wife and children (and that I took one, than still, because we kept each other company). The fact is that finally someone has thought about making things a little easier for parents, since the government has approved a measure by which Newborn babies may be enrolled directly at the hospital where they are born.

With this change it will be the hospitals that act as a window between the father and the civil registry, collecting all the data of the newborns, which will be sent to the registry. The measure is part of a preliminary bill that will adopt a series of changes in order to reform the operation of the Administration of Justice and the Civil Registry, making it possible for both births and deaths can be carried out electronically from the health centers.

To register, parents must sign the official declaration form, to which the form proving the birth will be attached. Both forms will be managed by the hospital to get them to the Civil Registry. If this procedure cannot be carried out in the hospital, the parents will be able to register the baby in the traditional way in the following days, as until now.

As I say, with Jon and Aran the thing was quite fast and look, as I knew that the morning was lost yes or yes, I did not mind waiting a while and then go to other places. With Guim, the third, when I expected that the advancement of technology and experience, which makes things improve over the years, made things go faster, I found that I had to wait a lot longer and watched dumbfounded that the system was just as archaic as years ago: the family book was still written by hand. Come on, that the tradition of dad held in court was fulfilled to end up taking the blue cutrelibro.

Now the government has decided to break with the tradition of paternal kidnapping, it is only necessary to know if instead of the booklet they will finally give the parents a more modern and current document.

Video: Giving birth costs a lot. Hospitals won't tell you how much. (July 2024).