Breastfeeding and heat: some recommendations for the mother

There is nothing like having the baby glued to us skin to skin while feeding, but it is true that breastfeeding the baby with high temperatures makes the body temperature, both yours and the baby, also increase.

By sweating, the baby may be uncomfortable and irritable, so we give some recommendations for the breastfeeding mother, so that you can enjoy both a Breastfeeding happy, also with hot.

Search for cool places

Try to find a place where you both feel comfortable. Inside, with the fan or the air conditioner, or outside under the shade of a parasol or a tree. Search your favorite place to shelter from heat and sun.

Remember that if you use the air conditioner or the fan, one of the keys so that it does not hurt you, is to prevent the baby from being directly exposed to the air flow. Otherwise, you can cover it with a sheet or a light blanket.

Drink enough water

The breastfeeding mother usually feels thirsty, especially at the beginning of breastfeeding until it is established and the sensation decreases.

Always have a bottle of water on hand and drink what you need. The general recommendation for adults is to drink between two and three liters of water a day but neither does it need to become an obligation. In addition, the water provided by other foods is also included there.

A diet to fight heat

Hydration comes not only from water, but also from other foods. You have to carry one healthy and balanced diet To provide you with the necessary nutrients.

You can take advantage of the summer to prepare delicious juices or natural fruit smoothies. I recommend a delicious peach, apple and kiwi smoothie that also provides an extra in vitamins A, B, C, E and minerals.

Of course, seasonal vegetables and fruits They are great allies for the nursing mother in summer. They provide hydration and nutrition in equal parts, either in whole pieces, in Macedonia, juices, smoothies, cold soups, and even combining them with salads. Watermelon, peach, grape, pear, plum, melon, nectarine ... there are many options to choose from.

If your baby sweats a lot when making the shot

It is normal for the baby's body temperature to rise when you drink your milk and be attached to your skin with skin. The babies they usually sweat a lot, since your body contains much more water than in adults and your body's balance is weaker. Therefore, they lose fluid through the pores more easily and dehydrate much faster.

As for the hydration of the baby, as we commented in a previous post, in summer more than ever you have to breastfeed on demand. And if you do not demand it frequently, offer it more frequently to always maintain an adequate level of hydration.

Another recommendation, to avoid excessive sweating is place a gauze or muslin (it has to be a light tissue) between your skin and that of the baby.

Fresh clothes

It is also important that in summer, both you and your baby, carry light and fresh fabric clothes. Being in constant contact with you the baby's body temperature increases.

Try to avoid unnecessary clothing or accessories such as breastfeeding aprons. If you are going to breastfeed in public and want to cover yourself, just a cotton cloth covering the chest a little.

Breast milk preservation and heat

With high temperatures, to prevent the proliferation of bacteria in breast milk, conserve the extracted milk always in the fridge. Human milk can remain 24 hours at 15 degrees, but as the ambient temperature increases its resistance is lower.

If you pump your milk at work and have to transport it, use a thermal bag that keeps the cold. If necessary you can place refrigerant blocks inside.

We hope these recommendations help you to maintain a happy breastfeeding during the summer. Although the heat squeezes, there is nothing better for your baby and it helps prevent infections typical of this time of year, such as respiratory infections or gastroenteritis.