Week 10 of pregnancy: from embryo to baby

We continue our journey through pregnancy week by week and arrive today at the 10th week of pregnancy, a decisive moment in pregnancy as we will tell you next.

From embryo to fetus

This week will mean a change, simply, in the way in which the baby is named. When it ends the 10th week of pregnancy We stop using the word embryo to call it a fetus. And it is going to have changed a lot and its development makes it clear that it is a human being with the naked eye despite its tiny size.

The baby measurements They are around 4 centimeters and their weight is 5 grams. From now on we will see how it grows at a rate of vertigo. If we think about it, it is really a miracle how it is possible for a being to develop from such a simple way to the complexity of the child that it will be born so quickly and perfectly.

Now they have formed all its organs and heart, brain, liver, kidneys and intestines are functioning. They will grow and develop continuously until birth but it is already possible to recognize them perfectly defined.

This week the fingers and toes separate from each other and begin to sprout nails. The baby bends arms and legs frequently, training their joints.

The placenta is fully functioning and the yolk sac shrinks. The baby is already moving in the womb, it seems even fun swimming in the amniotic fluid and training his newly released little body.

Even in this week 10 of pregnancy He is already able to swallow, and he does, drinking amniotic fluid from time to time, which also allows his digestive organs to become operational to be prepared when he is born to take charge of his diet.

And the lanugo appears. Our baby is beautiful and we really want to meet him and while we settle for seeing him on the first ultrasound, which we will arrange to do it in two weeks.

Mom's Changes

As it progresses the first trimester mom usually feels better. At ten weeks pregnant the majority will notice less desire to vomit and fatigue; When the second trimester begins, most moms will find much better. Since it gives little.

The body begins to round in the 10 weeks of pregnancy and the belly appears a little swollen if we look closely. Looking in the mirror hoping to find that first curve is, of course, an exciting moment.

It is still common to suffer from gas and it is quite uncomfortable. To minimize them, it is best to take care of food by avoiding fried foods, soft drinks and chew carefully by making several meals a day.

It may happen that the mother suffers dizziness and lightheadedness. In principle it is not something dangerous, it is due to changes in the cardiovascular system. If you feel dizzy than lie down, preferably on the left side. Prevention involves having good nutrition and hydration, resting and avoiding sudden movements, excessive heat and getting up at once.

The ten weeks pregnant It is time to think about diagnostic tests. If it has been decided that a chorionic villus biopsy test is necessary, the time to do so will be between weeks 10 and 12. Triple screening can also be done, although it is better to wait another week to be more reliable.

We will continue exploring during the next days the pregnancy week by week so that you can enjoy your pregnancy knowing what is going to wait for you and the changes of your child. The next time we will talk about the week 11 of pregnancy after having explored today the number 10.

Next week: 11th week of pregnancy

Video: The Stages of Embryo Growth (May 2024).