When to get a pregnancy test, children who cry with dad and more ... The best of Babies and more Answers

As you know, our Answers section is a space where you can ask the questions you want to be answered by the community, and at the same time you can participate by answering and voting the answers of the other users.

The debates, as well as the information and experiences shared by fathers and mothers, are very interesting, so we will review The best of Babies and more Answers in the last 15 days.

  • One of the most frequent questions you ask us is when to take the pregnancy test. Our reader grillitos He tells us that he is regular and is 10 days late, he asks us: is it a prudent time to get a pregnancy test?

  • For its part, anitaaura.sanchezalarcon She is worried because her one-year-old and four-month baby always cries when she is with her dad. He says they are desperate and asks what he can do to avoid it, can you help him?

  • The consultation of Kattyto It is about prolonged breastfeeding. Many unfounded myths circulate and ask if it is good to breastfeed your two-year-old baby. Of course it is! Until both decide.

  • The mother of a 6-year-old boy, patsyivonne.floreschavez, look for tips to help read your child who still does not read well. Without pressure and practicing as if it were a game.

  • By last, mamatequiere He also asked the community about breastfeeding. Her baby sucks very little and wanted to know when to change her breast? We hope we have helped you.

We invite you all to participate in our Answers section in which you can raise your doubts and concerns, as well as comment and vote on other users' questions.

Video: Pregnancy + Heartbreaking Miscarriage Answers! (July 2024).