"The desire to be a mother", all about fertility treatments

What is behind the desire to be a mother? What awaits women who decide to start fertility treatment? How many fertility treatments are there? What happens if the treatment does not reach the expected success? What if the baby finally arrives? To all these questions answer the book "The desire to be a mother", a work that deepens fertility treatments.

Currently, fertility treatments are the order of the day, and more and more couples undergo them. But we cannot always find first-hand information about what that treatment entails and what can be expected, emotionally, if the result is not positive.

"The desire to be a mother" is a book of Anna Gimeno Berbegal in which the psychological and emotional, medical, scientific, legal, economic and social aspects of an assisted reproduction process are treated. A work that arises from the experience of the author when undergoing a fertility treatment that did not go well:

At first you want to be excited, because you also know that a good mood can help you get better results, and when the negative comes you take a reality bath and start mentally preparing yourself if that negative is repeated.

But that state was not an impediment to try to get something positive: she could tell everything that was happening, in a kind of catharsis during the process. And incidentally help all those who are going through a similar situation.

But the personal experience that is the starting point for the work immediately was overcome by the desire to offer a truthful and up-to-date information on fertility treatments. Anna Gimeno wanted to tell who begins this process, everything she would have wanted to know and more.

Content of "The desire to be a mother"

It only remained to be documented in reliable sources, interview the major specialists in assisted reproduction and explain it in an accessible and close way. As a result we have "The desire to be a mother", a work structured in three large sections.

  • The first chapter addresses what happens in the stage prior to the start of a treatment. The desire to be a mother, the causes of infertility, the first steps to choose treatment ...

  • The second goes fully into the explanation of the treatments and all that they entail. The different emotional stages of women and men are explained in this process and what are the most common assisted reproduction treatments currently: programmed relationships, artificial insemination and in vitro fertilization.

  • The third one talks about the next one, what happens if there is no pregnancy in the end or if there is finally pregnancy. How to overcome and how are the children and the raising of a child of assisted reproduction.

"Alternative" fertility treatments, the benefits included in the law, the new cryopreservation systems, multiple pregnancies, the legal implications of the donation of eggs and semen, the difficulties faced by same-sex couples, studies on children born to a child treatment ... are other topics that we find in this interesting book.

Throughout the work testimonies of men and women who have lived differently the experience of an assisted reproduction treatment are interspersed.

The author for the writing of the book also interviewed psychologists, researchers, a specialist in psycho-neuro-endocrine-immunology, the different regional health services, the Ombudsman, the Spanish Fertility Society, the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) and the State Federation of Lesbians, Gays, Transsexuals and Bisexuals (FELGTB), among others.

In short, first-hand information about the assisted reproduction process, with special interest in the emotional aspect of the process and careful documentation are the tricks of “The desire to be a mother”, a work by Anna Gimeno Berbegal about which we will return soon.

Video: TWICE "Feel Special" MV (July 2024).