Two materials for working with family sex education

I present two materials for work sexual affective education with young children. Sometimes it is interesting to have external resources when we want to talk with children about this issue, and we need to do it informally and closely.

Both are edited by CEAPA, and taking advantage of the fact that I will talk about them, I would like to remind you that Maeva published in the second edition during 2011, the classic 'Where do we come from?' which can become an indispensable volume of the family library.

Space adventure

The first of these materials is a board game (to be requested through the Federation or Confederation of AMPAs that apply to you). CEAPA, aware of the need to provide families and the school with tools that facilitate dialogue about sexuality with sons and daughters, has published "Space Adventure", a game aimed at boys and girls from 6 to 10 years old where in a playful way they can learn the basics of sexuality in school and in the family.

We already know that the game can be a good instrument for the acquisition of knowledge and for the promotion of skills and attitudes, in the elaboration of this material the necessary elements have been taken into account to favor an appropriate sexual education for this stage, taking into It counts the following aspects:

  • Sex education

  • When do you have to start sex education? And what does it consist of?

In 'the special adventure' these dimensions are worked: the origin itself, the body figure, the care and esteem for our body; the affections; personal relationships and gender.

Don't tell them stories

This story is part of the “Program for the prevention of HIV and other Sexually Transmitted Infections” that CEAPA directs families in collaboration with the Secretariat of the National AIDS Plan. Although it may surprise you that HIV or AIDS is not named in the story, because to be able to talk about prevention later on, you have to start at the beginning: childhood and sex education.

"Don't tell them stories" is about about Sexuality and Reproduction, two topics that little is talked about with boys and girls and of which we think we should talk more, because almost always behind those words there are beautiful stories that are worth telling. We also believe that telling the truth is a good idea.

How from three years You can talk about almost everything, and as there is the circumstance that (from that age) it is recommended that children learn about these issues, the story helps us answer questions and share information.

Reading this story as a family can contribute to fathers and mothers do not stay out of sex education. Well, you can take advantage to talk, listen and dialogue. To tell everything that is known, it sure is a lot, both of the reality itself and other realities and especially to leave the door open to continue talking about many other issues both now and later.

The authors are Carlos de la Curz and Mario de la Cruz, including a difference of 35 years, and despite this they have agreed to ensure that Sex Education is not a secret. Rubencio has made some beautiful illustrations that leave no doubt about the content.

Undoubtedly, these two materials can be of great help to all parents who have the concern to address sexual education from the family.

Images | CEAPA More information | CEAPA In Peques and More | Ten reasons for family sex education

Video: Sex Education for Middle School Video 2 - Puberty (July 2024).