"It's not the same", campaign for pediatric specialties

The Spanish Association of Pediatrics has launched the awareness campaign "It's not the same", an initiative to raise awareness about the importance of pediatric specialties and its positive impact on health outcomes in the child population.

The AEP demands, as is the case in most European countries, the official recognition of pediatric specialties that already exist in practice in Spain and the pediatric specialists they practice as such.

In Spain, although there are professionals specifically trained to care for children (allergists, nephrologists, pediatric cardiologists, neonatologists ...) this work is being done without proper official recognition of pediatric specialties, contrary to what happens with adult medical disciplines.

The reasons for the official recognition of specialized Pediatrics are multiple:

  • At each stage of life specific and professional care specifically needed to administer them are needed.

  • The pediatric specialist is trained to meet the medical needs of childhood pathology.

  • In Spain there are already qualified specialists to treat childhood pathology.

  • These improve the health standards of the child population.

  • Only with specialized pediatric assistance can the maximum effectiveness and quality in the care and treatment of the child population be guaranteed.

  • Diseases such as cancer or an allergic process do not behave in the same way in a child as in an adult.

  • The assistance of children and adolescents by pediatricians is the most efficient and cost-effective.

From the AEP website there is a form for all those who want to adhere to their requests for pediatric specialization.

It is clear that they are compelling reasons and that the campaign "It's not the same", for the official recognition of pediatric specialties, pretends that children receive the best medical care that can be offered. We hope that it will move forward despite emerging in a context of crisis where it seems that health (of all) is given less importance than it should.

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