93% of mothers who stop breastfeeding would prefer not to have done so

A few days ago we were commenting on some of the data with which the College of Pharmacists of Seville has been working for its program related to breastfeeding, specifically those who said that 40% of women believed that there were clear differences between the milk of a Mother and another.

Another of the data that I consider relevant, to show how important it can be that a mother arrives at childbirth well informed to start breastfeeding, with answers to multiple questions that may arise, is the one that shows that 93% of women who stop breastfeeding declare that if they were not for them they would not have left.

Obviously, it is not only they who have to be informed, because the first ones who should have the proper training to give the right advice to mothers are health professionals. Seeing that this seems to go for a long time and given that knowledge does not take place and that the final objective is that each person has the greatest possible autonomy in terms of their own health, mothers should take more responsibility for their own preparation for breastfeeding ( It's not a reproach, it's a tip).

I comment on this because most of the women who left the breast and switched to artificial milk did so. because they started to work, because they believed they had insufficient milk or because someone had prescribed a drug treated as incompatible, without really being.

Stop breastfeeding to go to work

On leaving the chest at the time of work you should not enter too much, because it is a personal choice. You can continue breastfeeding even when you are working, because breastfeeding is not all or nothing. The hours when mom is not able to give the baby extracted milk or some fruit or cereals (and if she does not want to eat, then artificial milk), and when the mother returns home, she can breastfeed her baby as much as she wants, being for her son or daughter a good moment of reconciliation for all the hours that her mother has not been (Many mothers report it this way: "He didn't let me go all afternoon").

In other words, removing a child's chest when a mother starts working is not recommended, because the child suffers two losses, that of his mother that disappears a few hours and that of those moments that his mother shared with him, when He was sucking from his chest.

Mothers who have insufficient milk

With regard to those mothers who believe they have insufficient milk I will not comment too much, because we have already talked about it extensively not too long ago. Let's say that, as a summary, if there is no pathology or hormonal alteration in the mother, it is normal for a mother to have enough milk to breastfeed her baby (and some more if necessary).

Another thing is that a mother does not know that babies should breastfeed on demand, being on demand sometimes every 3 or 4 hours and sometimes every half hour. If a mother does not know this, she will surely think she has little milk when she sees her child breastfeed 3 times in 2 hours.

Medications incompatible with breastfeeding

On this subject I also think it might be interesting to read the interview we did to Dr. José María Paricio, responsible for the website e-lactancia.org, which shows the compatibility of different medications with breastfeeding. As he explained and as many of us already know, the drugs that a mother cannot take because she is breastfeeding can almost be counted on the fingers.


"93% of mothers who have stopped breastfeeding would rather not have left" are many mothers. Since Babies and more We will continue trying to offer information regarding breastfeeding so that pregnant women take their baby for the first time in the delivery room with several concepts in their head. If you do not arrive as an expert, no problem, but at least know where you can go in case of doubt (and I do not refer exclusively to Babies and more, but also to breastfeeding groups, trained professionals, etc.).

Video: Breastfeeding Is Dangerous While Riding A Moped (July 2024).