Dads and Moms Blogs (LXXI)

Today, as every week, we review the most interesting thing that has been read in some of the moms and dads blogs We can find on the net.

We started with one of my favorite blogs, We got boobs, in which Ileana invites us again to reflect on something evident in which few people fall: the women who send us. In this post he talks about women who have high political positions and how the lack of social changes can be appreciated despite this (with the revolution that should mean).

In Growing up with DavidAna has explained to us what family vacations will be like from the look of her son. A very funny entrance in which the Island of Formentera becomes an Island where pirates live, where pirate ships sail near the coasts and where there are no diapers (you know, paving the way to try to remove the diaper ...).

In Thirty with son We have seen what happens when the gynecologist tells a mother to rest and rest so that the pregnancy continues well and the woman is already the mother of a child. There are times when all the stars line up so that everything goes wrong and, in effect, her son dawns with a fever and in need of mom when mom needs rest.

In Alejandradas We have been able to read, by Alejandra, an entry related to the best known social case of the moment, that of Habiba and her daughter Alma. This mother asks and answers a few why related to the case, with a lot of common sense and saying a few truths that today seem to have been forgotten.

In Of my motherhood and other demonsMyriam has explained to us why the methods used with children work and, what is even more interesting, why today's parents need so many guides, so many methods and so many instructions to do something that in normal conditions should get out from within

In Mom (against) current, this mother has summed up our daily bread when it's time to go to the doctor with a child. One that is ahead, the other that is late, one that speaks to you badly, the other that such: Otorhino and psychiatrist in the Child Jesus.

In A mom in the net, Bel has explained to us that this week he has started working after more than two years without doing it and that it is, we would say, busted. Well, more ... busted is little.

In another of my favorite blogs, I grow up the dwarves, Recent Mother has told us a communicative strategy to use with the children based on the “give me” or “I change it” so that they use them replacing the “mine, mine” (although as I have said on other occasions, if it is “mine "And I don't want to leave it, why do it?).

Finally in Go, if it's mom!Sandra explained to us the first move of her son when, without saying goodbye to her or her sister, she left with a friend running to class, leaving both of them "composed and without a boyfriend."

I take this opportunity to remind you that if you have any Blog in which you talk about your children or things related to motherhood and babies, you can tell us in the comments for us to read and comment on.