How to achieve proper oral hygiene if I experience nausea in pregnancy?

Oral health in pregnancy is especially delicate, since hormonal changes can make the gums more sensitive and nausea can help make it more difficult to maintain proper hygiene. In addition, vomiting acid can cause enamel erosion and mouth sores. And, even if it's difficult, let's see that Oral hygiene is essential if you suffer from nausea in pregnancy and we explain how to carry it out.

Because maintaining proper hygiene we will prevent periodontal diseases, which pose a risk to pregnancy, even when the toothpaste itself causes nausea. And, especially if you suffer from severe dizziness or hyperemesis gravidarum, probably one of the odors that do not support is that of dentifrice.

So, not just simply eating, brushing your teeth is a problem: the foam of the paste in your mouth can cause nausea and vomiting. What to do in these cases? These are the tips to maintain proper oral hygiene if you have nausea during pregnancy.

  • When possible, if at any time of the day you feel better, brush your teeth with a paste containing fluoride and use dental floss. If you do better, do not rinse after brushing, simply remove the remnants of paste from the mouth.

  • Do not brush your teeth immediately after vomiting because stomach acid softens tooth enamel and it is easier to remove. Better, after vomiting, rinse your mouth with a fluoride or water rinse. Wait at least 20 minutes between vomiting and tooth brushing, so that the enamel hardens again.

  • Use a paste and a rinse with a mild taste and smell, there are some specific ones that are quite neutral and without foaming agents, although it is possible that, among the usual ones, there are some that do not cause you repulsion. It is a matter of trying.

  • If you cannot tolerate any toothpaste, try brushing without paste, which would at least reduce plaque effectively. If it is the brush that bothers you, you can try rubbing your teeth with gauze or with your finger, maybe with a little paste.

  • As for toothbrushes, it is advisable to use a medium hard brush with a not very large head, since many times the large size of the brush can cause nausea if it gets too much.

  • You will probably have to try manual or electric brush to see if you better tolerate either. Sometimes, it is the strong and fast vibrations of a rechargeable electric brush that can increase nausea, you may need a softer brushing (manual or disposable battery brushes).

  • If we start cleaning the posterior teeth, the contact of the toothpaste with the taste buds is delayed (which potentially causes vomiting).

  • If you are very prone to decay, you can consult the gynecologist and dentist if a toothpaste and mouthwash with a high concentration of fluoride is appropriate.

  • Although sugars and carbohydrates can favor tooth decay, they are usually necessary to mitigate nausea, and you will probably take them as snacks (snacks, cookies ...). If you tolerate it, chew sugar-free gum with xylitol after those meals (xylitol slows the onset of plaque).

  • If you frequently drink sugary or soft drinks, it is convenient to use a straw so that the acid and sugar does not rub the teeth.

  • Visit the dentist at least once during pregnancy and if you have any oral problems, do not miss it.

Video: Morning Sickness Relief (July 2024).