The new Food Safety Law in Spain is approved

This law has been taking place for years, but it has finally been approved the new Food Safety Law that reinforces food safety systems and which aims, among other objectives, to reduce the rate of childhood obesity.

The school, the menus it offers and the field of advertising, as well as the Strategy for nutrition, physical activity and obesity prevention (NAOS) focused on childhood and pregnancy are relevant points that this Law touches.

We know that the problem of childhood obesity begins in the family and in our eating and physical habits, but many factors are involved: health, community, school, can contribute to the prevention of obesity, as has been demonstrated in Different studies

Therefore, legal regulation is not excluded from these considerations, and tries to accommodate the health guidelines for the population, from different areas. These are the keys of the New Law of food security in relation to schools, advertising and children:

  • The sale of foods and beverages high in saturated fatty acids, trans fatty acids, salt and sugars in children's schools and schools is prohibited. These contents will be established by regulation. We already told you about these measures that we thought were adequate, although not sufficient.

  • Schools should offer children's menus that respond to a proper nutritional balance and special menus for coeliacs (children with gluten intolerance).

  • Schools are declared protected advertising spaces.

  • A strategy for nutrition, physical activity and obesity prevention (NAOS) will be developed, which will prioritize measures aimed at children, adolescents and pregnant women.

  • Any direct or indirect discrimination based on overweight or obesity is prohibited.

  • Advertising of food intended for children under 15 years is regulated.

These are not measures that are to everyone's liking, and there are certain sectors such as the Federation of Food and Beverage Industries (FIAB) and other producers that have positioned themselves against the law or some of its sections.

Even from the point of view of the consumer, the Law may have fallen short, as indicated by the Spanish Confederation of Organizations of Housewives, Consumers and Users (CEACCU). In any case, it will always be positive that there is debate on these issues.

There are many points that have been modified (we focus on those that directly concern our theme), but ultimately Spanish legislation has been adapted to a new concept of food safety because it emphasizes prevention and precaution, and wants to improve strategies that promote health information.

Video: FDA's New Food Safety Law (July 2024).