Teaching sharing is necessary, but always respecting your child

Young children do not like to share their things. Yours is yours and nobody else's. It is not selfishness, but a phase of its development. Although it is important that we teach our children to share, we must also respect their rhythm and be tolerant and understanding. Sharing is a social skill that is acquired over time.

For many parents, that young children be able to share their toys with other children is a symptom of generosity and good education. However, it is quite frequent that the small refuse to share Your stuff with nobody else. In this situation, most parents act as we always do, trying to set an example. And without knowing it, we are making a mistake.

Until approximately 3 years, children do not acquire the ability to play or perform group activities. Until that moment, They are used to playing alone and for no one else to take their toys. They have no sense of ownership, but their habits and routines, as well as known objects, They provide security.

When someone takes something from their hands without their consent, they are taking something that is theirs and they feel disoriented, confused and deceived. Just as any adult would feel forced to share their belongings with others against their wishes. Our intention is good, but the form is wrong. We simply cannot lend things that are not ours. The ideal is Let the children share only what they want to share and if they want to do it.

We must not deceive them taking things from their hands, always We owe our son and his things. If he does not want to lend his toy, it is his right because it is his. Little by little, you will understand what sharing means. When you understand that lending your things is not synonymous with losing them, you will feel more predisposed to transfer your toys to other children.

Group games in which, for example, they pass a ball between them, are good for kids to learn this concept. We must also take advantage of the moments in which the child wants to take something that is not his to teach him to be respectful of the things of others and learn to ask for permission and to obtain it.

Whether the children share their toys, as if they play alone, the toys of young children constantly pass from the floor to the mouth and we must take into account certain basic rules to maintain the hygiene during the game:

  • The cleaning of the toys must be frequent. Do not wash them only when they have been stained. Children's toys constantly pass from the floor to the mouth and accumulate many germs. These are the cause of most of the infections that our children catch, such as flu and colds. To avoid this, it is recommended to disinfect them at least once a week with a bleach, such as Star 2in1 (except those made of wood). In the case of bath toys, it is very normal that they accumulate mold inside, to remove it we will fill them with bleach diluted in water and empty them, giving it a good rinse.
  • Take advantage of the dishwasher for those toys that admit a high temperature. This will save you time and work!
  • The stuffed animals, to the freezer. The stuffed animals are a real nest of mites. A homemade trick to kill them is to put them in the freezer for a few hours. You can also wash them in the washing machine (as long as the label does not indicate otherwise).
  • Wash your hands before playing. Make your little one acquire this good habit to keep their toys clean for much longer.

It is absolutely normal for children to touch and take everything, play on the floor or take their toys to their mouths. They are exploring the world around them and in the early stage of childhood, his hands and mouth are his basic recognition tools. It is not about obsessing about cleaning, or constantly being aware of disinfection. We just have to maintain these simple hygiene guidelines to eliminate the pathogens and the remains of dirt from their toys and let them enjoy their hours of play at home with ease.

Images | iStock / Oksun70 / Olesiabilkei / FamVeld /

Video: Use this Method to Get Your Child to Listen and Behave (July 2024).