A baby is born two years after his mother dies

It sounds unusual to hear news like this, but the legislation of some countries allows it. It is the first case of embryo implantation of a deceased woman in a rental womb, which allowed the birth of a baby two years after his mother died.

It happened in Israel, where after a long legal battle, the attorney general's office allowed a man to use two of the frozen embryos years before his wife, Keren, died due to cancer.

They had tried unsuccessfully to have a baby by artificial insemination before she became ill with a brain tumor. Cancer forced her to paralyze the fertility treatment she had begun to have children, but it was her desire to bring a child into the world, even if she died.

The embryos were preserved, so the husband requested and managed to realize his wife's dream and assert his right to be a father, "since 50 percent of the genetic material is his."

The fact is that a few days ago I was born in the United States, from a surrogate mother, a girl with the genes of her biological mother who has not come to know.

It continues to impress that a baby born two years after his mother died, but knowing the story we can not stop getting excited knowing that a couple's dream has come true and that a desired and loved baby has come into the world.

Video: As This Mom Died While Giving Birth To A Daughter, Her Son Gave Her The Most Heartbreaking Goodbye (July 2024).