The baby video that reads out loud

If the twin babies who were talking caused a furor on the net, there is a little girl who goes the same way giving free rein to her verbiage, in this case a baby reading a magazine.

The little girl is very funny pretending to read aloud, surely she has heard many stories and tries to imitate her parents.

It starts with murmurs reading quietly, pretending to turn the pages, and looking at what appears before their eyes on the paper, but gradually gets excited with the laughter of those present, raises the tone and "read" to the audience, laughing out loud she too, getting to tear off some pages of the magazine.

Children who imitate older people are not reading by reading aloud, my three-year-old daughter usually does it by repeating her favorite stories, but with babies as small as the one in the video is not as usual. Although in this case, of course, reading is something intelligible ...

We do not know if this girl will read at age three, so we will say that it is a true prodigy. For now, we are left with this fun moment when the girl reads a magazine very funny.

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