Would we be so generous in pain?

The truth is that I cannot help sharing with you the admiration I have felt when reading the statements of a family shattered by pain, of enormous fortitude and generosity.

I don't know if I would be able to do this, or let myself be carried away by grief and anger. I think not, that I would not be as generous and wise as they are and that is why I want to share with you the great admiration I have felt for them.

I tell you about the family of the pregnant mother and the baby who recently died in an outrage in Madrid, being she a few days after giving birth. A driver failed to see her when she crossed and the outrage was fatal to the mother immediately and to the little one, who was born by emergency caesarean section, a few days later.

You will surely know the news, but what I want to tell you is the generosity in the pain of this family, who has declared that they do not hate the driver and that they understand that it was a horrible fatality but that the man is not for them a criminal or a murderer .

I ask you if you would be capable of such fortitude and generosity if such a terrible misfortune struck your family, if you lost a son or your partner in a situation like this. As fathers and mothersyou could be so generous in pain?