III State Campaign to prevent child abuse

Is taking place the III State Campaign to prevent child abuse, led by the Federation of Associations for the Prevention of Child Abuse (FAPMI) in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Social Policy.

Under the motto "My well-being is your responsibility" FAPMI develops since 2006 various prevention and awareness actions regarding the reality of child abuse.

FAPMI is an organization that brings together ten associations of regional scope. All of them have among their aims to ensure the rights of children and adolescents and promote actions dedicated to the prevention of situations of child abuse.

They have a blog that presents information about the Campaign and related news aimed at individuals as well as the media and a space on Facebook.

The Campaign is focused on social awareness regarding child abuse and intends to convey to the whole society four important ideas:

  • Child abuse is a social problem, not a private problem.
  • The reality of child abuse remains invisible in Spain.
  • Spanish society still does not require zero tolerance for child and adolescent abuse.
  • Child abuse is a difficult reality to look into the eyes.

I consider that initiatives of this type are necessary in our environment where abuse is often seen as something natural and needs visibility and awareness.

Well, as we just pointed out and remember some of the posters prepared for this campaign, abuse is not a private problem but a social one.

Official Site | All against child abuse, Fapmi In Babies and more | Only three countries in Latin America prohibit child physical punishment, It bothers me that parents hit their children, Half of the parents beat their children, Correct is not hit, alternatives to the slap

Video: Child Abuse Prevention CAP Month--Feb 28, 2019 (July 2024).