What is your opinion of the childbirth preparation classes?

The childbirth preparation classes They are one of the best known resources available to pregnant couples. When a couple decides to have children, everything that happens is new and everything therefore requires learning.

That is why pre-delivery classes are a very useful tool (or should be), to solve doubts, offer information and above all to anticipate parents what will happen both when giving birth and after giving birth.

However, for some time now, there is a feeling in the environment that they are not very useful, that they do not help too much or that they could be better. It is for this reason that I ask you: What is your opinion of the childbirth preparation classes?

Whenever I see a newly born mother, I ask her if she gave birth preparation classes and then ask for her opinion. Obviously, there is everything: mothers with newborn babies who are able to talk about breastfeeding crisis, the need to have skin-to-skin contact at birth or how important the arms are for babies (I imagine the information received about of labor will also be more or less complete), but also mothers who express a certain disenchantment and explain that they have not served much, which were very lights or that they were told "this will be explained to you in the hospital", transforming precious learning time into a showcase to show anti-colic bathtubs, roll-ins for the crib, etc.

My wife attended some classes before Jon's birth and soon left them because she joined the feeling of those who think they are unhelpful. He brought home “very useful” hookah pamphlets, books that seemed written when television was in black and white and little really useful information.

I even remember the case of a mother in the office who, worried, did not let her son suck for more than 10 minutes because otherwise the nipple would crack excessively: “The midwife told us to suck a finger for a minute. Seeing how wrinkled he was, he told us to imagine this in the nipple after 10 minutes. ” Obviously I had to answer: "Tell the midwife to try to eat a hamburger by the nose, surely after a minute it has dust ... is what happens when you use a thing for what it is not."

On the other hand, as I explained, there are mothers who are very grateful for these classes because they receive guidance, learn about childbirth and postpartum and they arrive more prepared at the time of being a mother, with updated information and most importantly for both a mother and a father: trust.

Maybe everything depends on the professional you touch, or the center you go to. Maybe it depends on the expectations of future moms around the information they want to receive. Maybe it depends on both ...

In any case, childbirth preparation classes have a commendable goal, which is none other than give future parents tools to live a birth knowing what they are going to and to raise a child with the necessary information to understand their behaviors. Another thing is what you get after and the feeling that the attendees have left.

Photos | Flickr - David Salafia, Emery Co Photo
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Video: Childbirth Class Video 01 (July 2024).