Homemade mobile phone costume

At Carnival, we do not always opt for the easiest to disguise the little ones, and we always bring you ideas to make costumes and homemade accessories, such as this angel costume, or masks and masks to print. Today we bring a mobile phone costume model Very simple to make.

The first thing that we have to point out is that it is a costume for boys and girls who already control their gait perfectly, because when they go into a rigid cardboard suit the movements must be safe.

We need an elongated cardboard box, to which we will fully discover the bottom so that the legs come out and you can walk comfortably, and we will make a large hole in the upper part so that the head comes out and the box is supported by shoulders. Then, to a comfortable measure, two side holes for the arms.

We already have the mold, and only missing the complements: We will paint the box (if it does not have the color that interests us) and the child will wear the clothes under a similar color so as not to clash. Today, with the original and colorful mobiles that exist, we can give you imagination. The keys and the screen are made with cardboard of the color that we decide, on which we will paint the numbers and the letters, and then we will paste on the box.

If we want, we can complete the phone with a cardboard antenna, little bulky, that we will place on one of the shoulders, or a cardboard that, stuck in the lower front of the box, is in front of the legs (it will move when walking) , simulating the drop-down part that some mobile phones have.

I made this costume myself, although large, a few years ago, and it is simple, economical and fun to make. The kids can help us especially with the details, like trimming and painting the keys.

Video: Last minute DIY iPhone costume #fallingintofall (July 2024).