Do we listen to the list of Kings?

The letter for Santa Claus or for the Magi is a tradition that children follow with great enthusiasm. Thinking about the gifts they will ask for, writing the letter, delivering it by hand or sending it by mail is an event for them.

Some children have known for months that they will ask while others, the majority, change their minds every day (my daughter yesterday wanted the Playmobil doll house and today she wants an interactive puppy). Almost all of us go with our children to the toy store and see what catches their attention, but then they ask for what they want.

The question is How do parents act before the Christmas requests of our children?

A survey conducted by Disney reveals that only 16% of parents buy the toys that their children ask for in the list while 61% say they choose the gift thinking that their child will enjoy it.

I imagine that those who stick to the list agree with what their children ask, while those who choose the gift for their children will be very sure of their preferences. But between both options there is an intermediate that is to influence their choice to opt for a toy rather than another, which many parents put into practice.

In Babies and more we wanted to create our own survey To know your case. If the option is not in the three points to choose we invite you to leave a comment at the end of the post.

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