Interview: a respected birth is a matter of attitude rather than means

A few days ago we were talking about the case of Lidia Camacho, a woman from Murcia who is going to have her third child and who has decided to present a birth plan to the hospital, stating that some points were not given in her case that the WHO advises against in a normal delivery and having received a refusal to your requests.

We have been able to get in touch with Lidia, who has kindly answered our questions to inform readers of her case more fully about her case. Babies and more. We thank you for wanting to answer us and above all we congratulate you on your pregnancy and your next motherhood.

Babies and more: Good morning, Lidia. I think it may be important for other future parents to know that there is the possibility of showing our birth plan to the hospital that has to attend it. What is the process you followed to get your birth plan to the Los Arcos hospital (Santiago de la Ribera, Murcia)? With what people or through what means did you contact?

Lidia Camacho: The best thing to do is to register it so that it is recorded with copies for management, gynecology and pediatrics, in addition to giving a copy to the gynecologist to be included in your history.

ByM: We understand that your baby will be born in January. When did you present the birth plan to the hospital?

Lidia C .: I presented it at the first ultrasound, on July 8.

Bym: We would like to know what were the points of the delivery plan that you delivered to the center.

Lidia C .: I summarize: no shaving, no enema, no routine episiotomy, no oxytocin, no early rupture of membranes, intermittent monitoring and freedom of movement in dilation, possibility of eating and especially drinking (water or juice), freedom of position in the expulsive, accompanied by my husband, vaginal examination every 2-3 hours, non-performance of Kristeller (strong abdominal pressure performed by a third party during the expulsion). Information at all times of what I have to do, and not separation from the baby (this is guaranteed 100%).

ByM: What was the answer for each of the points?

Lidia C .: They responded to everything not per system, based on already obsolete protocols. They also tell me that it is a condition sine qua non That I sign an "Informed Consent of Induced Labor" to be treated. That is to say, once you enter the hospital and you are admitted by birth, you are induced, whether the delivery is good or not. They do not give you the option to give birth at your own pace, they speed up delivery by system. To do this, they give you to sign the informed consent to have free access and to be able to do the induction without asking you anything else.

ByM: There was a second attempt to have your requests heard. Was the route you took to get them to the hospital the same? Did something change regarding the first answers?

Lidia C .: The answer was the same ... the change was that the latter has not responded to me.

ByM: And what is the current status of your requests? Is any news expected?

Lidia C .: At the moment I do not expect any positive change. They feel very hurt that a woman tells them how she wants to give birth (what will she know, they will think).

ByM: I am surprised that the hospital justifies some of its denials due to infrastructure aspects. In your opinion, are Los Arcos hospital facilities not prepared to attend a natural birth, for example, in an upright position as you wish?

Lidia C .: for a vertical delivery, it is only necessary for the midwife or gynecologist to bend down ... but it seems that this is what costs them the most. The only problem that could be would be in the accompaniment in dilatation (a room, several women), but that would understand perfectly.

ByM: Have you considered any other alternative to ensure that your wishes are, as far as possible, respected?

Lidia C .: Well, at the moment it seems that there is no one who makes them change their mind ... and I find it very sad to have to go to another hospital urgently so that they respect your birth minimally. In the Arrixaca (Murcia), they already do it, in Torrevieja ... it is a matter of attitude rather than means.

ByM: Finally, we would like to ask you if, after your experience, you recommend future parents to claim their rights through the birth plan.

Lidia C .: Of course, they should know that women have an opinion and we want to be protagonists and an active part of our birth… We are physiologically more than prepared to face it successfully. If we shut up, they take us for a piece of meat that we have to take out the baby.

Thank you very much for your answers, Lidia. We hope that your wishes are heard despite the difficulties, that your perseverance encourages other mothers to claim their rights and above all that your new motherhood comes happily.

Video: Oz Talk: Jordan Petersons Rules to Live By (July 2024).